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The following are the fields on the Reports for Job panel and their descriptions:


Defines the 1- to 40-character description of the job.

This field is optional.


Specifies one of the following options:

FLAG—The report from the most recently run job is to be untouched but flagged

DEL—The report is to be deleted

KEEP—The report is to be untouched

Blank—Uses the value of the PREVRUN initialization parameter

Note: FLAG and DEL work only when the report is in CA View or a bundle holding spool.


Defines the tabular commands in this column.


Specifies the name of the job step in the DD statement where the report applies.


Specifies the name of the procedure step in the DD statement where the report is located.


Specifies the 1 to 8 character name of the DD statement where the report is written. Another use for the DDname field is to specify report selection by JCL form, writer name, sysout class, or sysout destination. The forms, writer name, Class, or Destination is specified as F=xxxxxxxx, W=xxxxxxxx, C=xxxxxxxx, or D=xxxxxxxx in DDname.

Report ID

Specifies the 1- to 32-character name that identifies the report.


Specifies the type of report processing as follows:

M—Monitored data output

S—A stacked report

C—A control break report

I—A report created from interleaved records

D—A dynamic report

Blank—A basic report


Specifies one of the following options:

FLAG—The report from the most recently run job is to be untouched but flagged

DEL—The report is to be deleted

KEEP—The report is to be untouched

Blank—The report defaults to what was selected under Prevrun