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Set up the iConsole Audit Buttons

You can customize the behavior of the audit buttons in the iConsole toolbar, such as approve buttonand Audit button.

These buttons allow reviewers to instantly change specific audit details from one value to another. For example, they can configure a button to automatically change the audit status of the currently selected events, or to change the 'Action Taken' from 'Reviewed' to 'Referred to Compliance Officer'. After a reviewer has audited an event using one of these buttons, the corresponding issue is added to the event's audit trail.

Important! iConsole reviewers cannot audit events until audit buttons have been configured in the Administration console.

Note: If you reconfigure an audit buttons, the changes only become effective when a reviewer next logs into the iConsole. Reviewers currently logged on to the iConsole must log off and log back on before these changes become effective.

To configure the iConsole audit buttons

You can configure up to ten audit buttons in the Audit Options dialog.

  1. In the Administration console, click Tools, Audit Options.
  2. If you have not already done so, set up predefined values for the Status, Classified as, and Action/Resolution fields. You can also predefine audit comments.

    Details are in Populate Audit Field Lists.

  3. Go to the Tool Buttons tab.

    This tab lists the available audit buttons. For each audit button, its properties are shown as clickable hotspots.

  4. Click the button property that you want to change:
    Single event audit or bulk event audit

    Choose whether the button is enabled for reviewing only single events, only search results, or both.

    Field 1 (typically 'Status')

    Select the audit status associated with this button. For example, you may want the button to change the audit status to Escalate.

    Field 2 (typically 'Classified as')

    Select the new classification that will be assigned to events when this button is clicked.

    Field 3 (typically 'Action/Resolution')

    Select the new action or resolution value that gets assigned to events when reviewers click this button.

    Issue Name

    (Optional) Type in the name of any new issue created when reviewers click this button.

    The name is displayed in the Issues section of the iConsole Search Results screen.


    (Optional) Type the comment that you want to add tot he audit trail when reviewers click this button.


    Type in a name for the button. The name is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over it in the toolbar.