These are the list items available to reviewers in the Edit Issue dialog in the iConsole. <Field 1> always lists the available statuses for captured events being reviewed. That is, the type of audit status.
To define list items for all configurable audit fields in the iConsole
Double-click an item to define up to 40 audit status names, for example, Not reviewed or Approved. Audit status 0 and audit status 1 are special cases.
Note: You can also specify further mandatory audit changes for any individual status change.
Double-click an item or use the Modify button to define up to 40 <Field 2> items.
Double-click an item or use the Modify button to define up to 40 <Field 3> items.
Use the Add, Remove and Modify buttons to create a list of comments, for example, Potential compliance violation or Satisfactory explanation provided by sender. This list of comments is also available to reviewers in the iConsole.
Note: If your comment exceeds the maximum length for a comment (255 characters), it will be truncated.
Note: If the audit fields are not fully configured in the Administration console, then event auditing will not be enabled in the iConsole. That is, reviewers will not be able to audit events in either console.
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