In the user policy, each control action, whether for emails, files, Web pages or application monitoring, contains a version of the Intervention setting.
This setting is the pivotal determinant in the control procedure and determines the type of control event. The Intervention option that you choose determines whether to block, warn or inform the user, encrypt, delete or replace a file, quarantine emails, categorize events, remove or replace scanned files, or silently monitor user activity.
This section contains the following topics:
Supported Intervention Options by Client
Supported Intervention Options: Email Server Agents
Intervention Setting: Advise Encryption
Intervention Setting: Block with Notification
Intervention Option: Block Quietly
Intervention Option: Block (File Events)
Intervention Option: Categorize - Single Category Only
Intervention Option: Categorize - Multiple Categories Allowed
Intervention Option: Categorize
Intervention Option: Delete (Scanned Files)
Intervention Option: DoD Overwrite and Delete
Intervention Option: DoD Overwrite and Replace
Intervention Setting: Enforce Encryption
Intervention Option: No Further Actions
Intervention Option: Quarantine Quietly
Intervention Option: Quarantine with Notification
Intervention Option: Warn (Personal)
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