For xmlattr commands only.
<xpath> specifies the location of an element (or node) within an XML hierarchy. Specifically, xmlattr lookup commands use <xpath> to locate the emails or file attribute, stored as an XML element, whose value they need to test (where this value is specified by <attribvalue>).
Email example
The example below specifies an email x-header named 'x-vpm-state'. The x-header name is stored as a property set.
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/email/header/item[@name='x-vpm-state']
File examples
The examples below specify, respectively, a file event's file name, file size, the date when the file was last modified, and a property set named 'ID'.
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/filename xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/size xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/modified xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/property_set[@name="ID"]
Properties in a property set
<xpath> can also specify the location within an XML hierarchy of a property set or an individual property within a property set. For emails, x-header names are stored as property sets. For files, property sets are effectively collections of related file attributes.
In this situation, <xpath> actually specifies the name attribute of a 'property set' or 'property' element. For example, Microsoft Word documents can include a 'Custom' property spot. This can include any custom properties defined for that document, such as 'Security' and 'Status'. The example below locates the Custom property set:
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/property_set[@name="Custom"]
<xpath> can also specify an individual property within a property set. The example below locates the Security property within the Custom property set:
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/property_set[@name="Custom"]/property[@name="Security"]
In all cases, the @name property identifier must be enclosed in square brackets. Two example property sets are included in the XML metadata.
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