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XML Metadata for Word Documents

An example XML hierarchy of metadata for a Microsoft Word document is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<apm schema_version="1" xmlns=""
 xsi:schemaLocation=" xmleventattributes.xsd">
      <title>Unipraxis Sales Q1 2007</title>
      <subject>Sales Revenue</subject>
      <author>Spencer Rimmel</author>
      <property_set name="Summary">
         <property prop_id="1" name="TotalEditingTime" type="xs:string">01:26:35</property>
         <property prop_id="2" name="WordCount" type="xs:string">824</property>
         <property prop_id="3" name="LastPrinted" type="xs:string">2007-05-17T08:14:36</property>
      <property_set name="Custom">
        <property prop_id="1" name="Security" type="xs:string">Confidential</property>
        <property prop_id="2" name="Status" type="xs:string">Approved</property>

As far as possible, CA Data Protection attempts to fully populate the file metadata with relevant attributes. However, the range of available metadata items will vary by file type and file source. For example, if a third-party application passes the file data to CA Data Protection in the form of a byte stream, rather than providing CA Data Protection with access to the original file, then policy triggers can test for file attributes included in the byte stream. That is, CA Data Protection cannot independently identify or determine any missing attributes.

More information:

XML Metadata for Printed Documents

XML Metadata for Email X-headers