These examples illustrate the various operator combinations in XML Attribute lookup commands.
Detecting Email X-headers
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/email/header/item[@name='x-vpm-state'] IS "*"
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/email/header/item[@name='x-vpm-state'] IS "sensitive"
NOT (xmlattr WHERE apm/event/email/header/item[@name='x-vpm-state'] IS "public")
Detecting File Attributes
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/size < 10240
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/path IS "\\UX-RIMMEL\Personal\Tips"
Note: You do not need to specify a UNC path. You can also specify a local drive path if your policy engine is running on the same machine as the source folder.
xmlattr WHERE (apm/event/file/modified >= "2007-05-21") AND (apm/event/file/modified < "2007-05-26")
Note: All date and time metadata is stored in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on the CMS. Your xmlattr lookup commands must therefore specify UTC dates and times.
xmlattr WHERE apm/event/file/author CONTAINS ANY {"Rimmel","Steel"}
WHERE apm/event/file/property_set[@name="Custom"]/property[@name="Security"] IS NOT "Confidential"
Here, the xmlattr lookup command detects documents marked as 'Confidential' and whose status is 'Approved':
WITH apm/event/file/property_set[@name="Custom"] WHERE ([property@name="Security"] IS "Confidential") AND ([property@name="Status"] IS "Approved")
WHERE apm/event/file/property_set/@name IS ANY {"Custom","Version"}
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