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dbmgr Utility

The dbmgr utility lets you create, manage, and maintain the CA ControlMinder database files.

Note: This utility replaces the following utilities from previous versions: dbdump, rdbdump, dbutil, secredb, sedb2scr, and semigrate.

Important! Use this utility only with the guidance of support personnel during problem resolution. For assistance, contact CA Support at

To run the dbmgr utility, you must have the ADMIN, AUDITOR, or SERVER attribute.

The utility handles several tasks and has the associated following functions:



Create a database

dbmgr -create

Display database information

dbmgr -dump

Create a script that defines a database

dbmgr -export

Copy database data to a flat file

dbmgr -migrate

Manage an existing database

dbmgr -util

Backup a database

dbmgr -backup

Restore a database

dbmgr -restore