The dbmgr ‑dump function reports on the records in the database. Use this function to perform the following operations:
This function assumes that the CA ControlMinder daemons are not running; you must invoke it from the directory where the database resides. If you use the -r switch, CA ControlMinder daemons must be running, and you must have the ADMIN, AUDITOR, or SERVER attribute. To execute this function, you must also have READ and WRITE permission on the database files.
This command has the following format:
dbmgr {-dump|‑d} [-h] [-r] [-f fileName] \
[c] [fc] [g user] [l class] [p class] [fp class] \ [d class [props|@fileName] \ [dn class [props|@fileName] \ [e class record [props|@fileName] \ [en class record [props|@fileName] \ [o class record [props|@fileName] \ [on class record [props|@fileName]
Executes the database dump function of the dbmgr utility.
Directs output to the specified file, instead of the standard output device.
Displays the help for this function.
Displays information about the database currently being used by the authorization daemon.
If you omit this option, dbmgr displays information about the database in the current directory.
Lists the names of all classes defined in the database.
Displays the values of selected properties for all records of a class. The class parameter specifies the class. The props parameter defines a space-separated list of properties whose values you want to display.
To read the property list from a file, specify the full pathname of a file, preceded by an “at” sign (@). Each property listed in the file must appear on a separate line.
If you do not specify any properties, the values of all the properties are listed.
Same as the d option, only properties with unknown values are not displayed.
Displays the values of selected properties for all records of a class except for a single, specified record. The class parameter specifies the class. The record parameter specifies the name of the record to omit from the list. The props parameter defines a space-separated list of properties whose values you want to display.
To read the property list from a file, specify the full pathname of a file, preceded by an “at” sign (@). Each property listed in the file must appear on a separate line.
If you do not specify any properties, the values of all the properties are listed.
Same as the e option, only properties with unknown values are not displayed.
Lists all class information for all classes in the database.
Lists all property information on properties of the specified class.
Lists the groups that the specified user is a member of.
Lists all the records in the specified class.
Displays the values of selected properties for a single record of a class. The class parameter specifies the class. The record parameter specifies the record. The props parameter defines a space-separated list of properties whose values you want to display.
To read the property list from a file, specify the full pathname of a file, preceded by an “at” sign (@). Each property listed in the file must appear on a separate line.
If you do not specify any properties, the values of all the properties are listed.
Same as the o option, only properties with unknown values are not displayed.
Lists the names of the properties of the specified class.
Note: You can only specify one other option apart from -r and -f.
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