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DCM configuration statements specify the name and location of pre-compiled Data Control Modules. These modules contain information about the events the CAIENF address space monitors. In previous CAIENF versions, DCMs were installed into the CAIENF database using an independent batch utility program (CAS9DB). With the elimination of CAS9DB in R12, DCMs are defined directly to CAIENF through DCM configuration statements and are installed (or verified) at CAIENF startup.

Note: When upgrading from CA Common Services r11, a utility can be used to create the new DCM control option statements that are required for CA Common Services Version 12.0. For more information, go to Special DCM and EVENT Utility.

object is the required PDS member name of the DCM object.

ddname is the optional DDName of the PDS data set where the DCM object resides. If ddname is omitted, DDName “CAIDCM” (defining the default DCM object data set) must be present in the CAIENF started task JCL, and this library is used to load the DCM objects. ddname can also be specified as a single asterisk, indicating the DCM object resides in the CAIENF started task JOBLIB/STEPLIB concatenation, or the LPALST/LNKLST concatenation.






In these examples, CAS9DCM2 and CAS9DCM4 are loaded from the data set defined by DDName “CAIDCM” (default). CARRDCM0 is loaded from the data set defined by DDName “USSLIB”. SYSVDCM is loaded from the CAIENF started task STEPLIB/JOBLIB concatenation, or from the z/OS LNKLST/LPALST concatenation if it is not found in STEPLIB/JOBLIB.

Usage Notes

The ddname parameter allows the loading of DCMs from CA product target libraries without having to include them in the CAIENF started task JOBLIB/STEPLIB concatenation.

If ddname is specified, the search for the DCM object is limited to the specified data sets to prevent inadvertent loading of a "system" copy of a DCM.

DCM data sets require APF authorization. A DCM load fails (error code X'306) if the DCM data set is not authorized.

DCM configuration statements follow the same syntax rules as any other CAIENF configuration statement or initialization parameter, and they must be placed in the CAIENF started task ENFPARMS data set (that is, they cannot be placed in the ENFCMDS data set).

If any type of error occurs during DCM processing, an error message is posted to the CAIENF log describing the failure (with any applicable return/reason codes), and the CAIENF started task abnormally terminates immediately. Also, if no DCM statements are specified in the ENFPARMS data set, the CAIENF started task abnormally terminates.