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This command supports reconnection to the external database associated with the data sets found in the CAIENF STEPLIB concatenation after CAIENF initializes. Because, at the initialization, CAIENF automatically connects to an external database, the DBCR command is not supported using the start-up parameters (ENFPARMS) or auto commands (ENFCMDS).

After CAIENF initializes, if the database is shut down, CAIENF disconnects and automatically attempts to reconnect. If the database remains down, after several reconnection failures, CAIENF stops attempts to reconnect automatically.

The DBCR command reconnects the database to CAIENF after the database has been restarted. The restarted database must be at the same DATACOM maintenance level as when CAIENF started. Otherwise, the results are unpredictable.

Note: When the database is disconnected from CAIENF, event recording is not available. This action means that events are not written to the database. Only the events that are written to the database are recoverable and available for archiving.