Previous Topic: CICSREL(nn,nn,nn,...)Next Topic: CICS(SETSDUMP,jobname,prodcode)


This control option causes CAIENF/CICS to write a standard CICS transaction dump when the specified jobname or specified product in the CICS region abends. If you do not issue this control option, and the specified jobname or product abends, CAIENF/CICS recovers without writing a transaction dump.


Specify this option if you want CAIENF/CICS to write a transaction dump when a specific jobname abends.


Specify this option if you want CAIENF/CICS to write a transaction dump when a specific product abends.


The following example causes the CAIENF/CICS to write a transaction dump when job CICS0 or product J161 abends.


Note: This command produces transaction dumps for all errors that occur after the command has been issued. Unlike the SETSDUMP command, do not reissue this command to produce more than one dump.