Previous Topic: CICS(SETCDUMP,jobname,prodcode)Next Topic: CICS(NOSDUMP,jobname,prodcode)


This control option can be used to cause CAIENF/CICS to write system dump (SVC dump) when the specified jobname or specified product in the CICS region abends. If you do not issue this control option, and the specified jobname or product abends, CAIENF/CICS recovers without writing an SVC dump.


Specify this option to have CAIENF/CICS write an SVC dump when a specific jobname abends.


Specify this option to have CAIENF/CICS write an SVC dump when a specific product abends.


This command causes CAIENF/CICS to write an SVC dump when job CICS0 or product J161 abends.


Note: This command produces the SDUMP only once after the command has been issued. If a second abend occurs, it is treated like the command was never issued.

If a dump is needed, a second SETSDUMP command is issued after an SDUMP has been produced, from the first SETSDUMP command issued.