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unistart - Start Enterprise Management Functions

Applies to UNIX/Linux, and z/OS

The unistart command starts Enterprise Management, an Enterprise Management function, or a common object. The command provides a convenient way to start one or more Enterprise Management functions that were shut down without restarting Enterprise Management.


unistart {name [name...]|ALL}

Note: Issue this command from the root login ID.



Identifies one of the following Enterprise Management functions or common objects. If you are using unistart to start components one at a time, ensure that you start the prerequisite components before using unistart.

cal Calendar

cci Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Common Communications Interface (CAICCI).

crit Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Criteria Profile Manager.

db Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -


emsrvc Enterprise Management Services

enf Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

CAIENF server.

gui Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

GUI main message router (CaMRouter).

help GUI help database server.

opr Event Management function.

pdm Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Service Desk.

prb Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Problem Management function.

rept Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Report Management function.

sche Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Job Management Option function.

secu Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Security Management function.

snmp SNMP

star Remote logon function.

tape Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Tape Management function.

ALL Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

All Enterprise Management functions, common objects, and services.



The script file for the unistart command.


unistart opr

Starts the Event Management function.