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unishutdown-Shut Down Enterprise Management and Related Services

Applies to UNIX/Linux and z/OS

The unishutdown command systematically shuts down all Enterprise Management functions. Any Enterprise Management work in progress is typically completed before the responsible daemon is terminated.

To shut down one or more Enterprise Management functions without terminating all Enterprise Management processing, use this command.


unishutdown {name [name...]|ALL}

Note: Issue this command from the root login ID.



Identifies one of the following Enterprise Management functions or common objects.

cal Calendar

cci Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Common Communications Interface (CAICCI)

crit Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Criteria Profile Manager

db Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -


emsrvc Enterprise Mgmt Services

enf Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

CAIENF server

gui Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

GUI main message router (CaMRouter)

help GUI help database server

opr Event Management function

pdm Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Service Desk

prb Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Problem Management function

rept Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Report Management function

sche Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Job Management Option function

secu Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Security Management function

tape Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Tape Management function

snmp SNMP

ALL Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

All Enterprise Management functions, common objects, and services.

Environment Variables


Path where Enterprise Management is installed.



Shell script source for the unishutdown command.


unishutdown opr

Shuts down only the Event Management function. The informational messages that are directed to stdout depict the progress of the shutdown.