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unifstat-Check Status of Enterprise Management

Applies to UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

To display the status of the Enterprise Management functions, common objects, and services that are currently configured on the specified computer, use the unifstat command.

unifstat (UNIX/Linux)


unifstat [-h]
         [-c component]
         [-u subcomponent]
         [-s node]

Note: If UNIFSTAT is issued without any options, the assumed default is UNIFSTAT -C * -U *. This displays the status of all components and subcomponents on the current computer.



Displays syntactical help information for the unifstat command.


Displays requisite information for the selected components/subcomponents. Prerequisite and corequisite information is displayed. A component that is a prerequisite must reach an ACTIVE state before the dependent component can be started or resumed. A component that is a corequisite must maintain an ACTIVE state before the dependent component can be paused.

Note: Specify this option only under the direction of CA Technologies Support.


Displays process information that is associated with the selected components/subcomponents. An Active Process list and a Critical Process list are displayed (as appropriate) for each component/subcomponent.

Within each list, the process ID and thread ID of the processes for the component are listed. Processes that are listed in the Critical Process list are essential to the operation of the component. If a Critical Process dies, the component stops.


Provides more details about the information requested.

Note: Specify this option only under the direction of CA Technologies Support.

-c component

Enterprise Management components for which status information is desired. A trailing asterisk (*) can be used to select a group of components. Specify -c * to display all of the currently registered components for a computer. This list shows you the possible values, which can be specified for component.

Every registered component moves through several states during Enterprise Management operation. The three groups of states are terminal, transitory, and wait:

Terminal States

Terminal states are reached using the unicntrl command or through the control panel. Terminal states:

Transitory States

Transitory states occur on the way to a terminal state. These states should not persist for more than a minute or two. Transitory states:


The component has been resumed after a pause.


The component has received a STOP order.

Wait States

Wait states can persist for a while, but are not indicative of a fully active system. Wait states:


The START order for the component has been delayed because the component is a dependent and the requisite component is not at the necessary state.


The RESUME order for the component has been delayed because the component is a dependent and the requisite component is not at the necessary state.

-u subcomponent

Subcomponents (of the Enterprise Management components) for which status information is desired. A trailing asterisk (*) can be used to select a group of subcomponents. If the -u option is not specified, the status of all the subcomponents of the selected Enterprise Management components is generated. For a list of all possible subcomponents, specify only the -c * option.

-s node

Computer for which you are requesting Enterprise Management status. If the -s option is not specified, the computer on which the unifstat command is issued is assumed.





The script file for the unifstat command.


The awk program source code.