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camibwalk/camibwlk-Query SNMP Agents for MIB Information

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

The camibwalk/camibwlk command is used to query SNMP agents running on your network nodes for status and other information that can be extracted from the objects defined by the MIBs. The types of nodes that can be queried go beyond machines running UNIX/Linux and include intelligent devices such as routers, printers, X-terminals, hubs, and others.

Following are examples of the types of data that camibwalk/camibwlk can extract:

From HP LaserJet IIIsi printers:

From HP LaserJet 4si printers:

Other general information that camibwlk can extract from these agents:

In addition to these, we continue to add additional extensions to the camibwalk/camibwlk MIB interpretation capabilities, to extract greater levels of detail from the expanding class of SNMP agents.

For UNIX/Linux, z/OS

camibwalk  node community variable
For Windows
camibwlk  node community variable


This example queries the SNMP agent on the hpnode33 node, in the public community, for information about object . which is the system description:

camibwalk hpnode33 public .


Name: system.sysDescr.0
OCTET STRING- (ascii):HP-UX hpnode33 A.09.00 E 9000/8371443363221G

In the sample output above, "Name" is the translated MIB OBJECT-TYPE string of the numeric object provided in the query. camibwlk does not translate any enterprise-specific OBJECT-TYPE; they are displayed numerically.

OCTET-STRING- (ascii) is the MIB SYNTAX type of the numeric object provided in the query. This example indicates that system description is defined as an OCTET-STRING in the MIB-II MIB. The information after the SYNTAX type is the value of the queried object.


The IP address or the host name of the node to be queried.

Note: For IPv6, a hostname must be used.


Community to which the queried node belongs.


Portion of the object identifier to be queried. This variable has the format .a.b.c.d..., where a, b, c, and d are sub-identifiers in decimal notation.