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caladmin-Configure or Shut Down the Calendar Service

Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows

Use the caladmin command to modify the Enterprise Management calendar service. Use this command to add, update, and delete calendars from the active calendar list that is kept in storage by the calendar service. Also, use this command to shut down the calendar service.

Performance Considerations

To minimize resource consumption, delete calendars that are not in use from the active calendar list.

The Calendars created or modified with the command-line interface are only reflected in the calendar service when the caladmin command is used to modify the active calendar list or the calendar service is terminated and restarted.

To modify the active calendar list for specific calendar entries, Use the -a, -d, and -u options.

caladmin (Windows)


caladmin  [-r]

Environment Variables


Path where Enterprise Management is installed.


Information for debugging and tracing the calendar service. (For CA internal use only.)

caladmin (UNIX/Linux)

Note: This command must be executed on a UNIX/Linux system.

Command format:

caladmin  [-r]

Refresh the active calendar list. The calendar service releases the current active calendar list and reloads all calendars defined in the Enterprise Management database.


Rebuild binary files and refresh the active calendar list. The calendar service releases the active calendar list and rebuilds the binary files for all calendars that are defined in the Enterprise Management database. The rebuilt calendars are loaded into the active calendar list.

Important! The following information applies to the -r and -b options.

When instructed to refresh the active calendar list, the calendar service queues all calendar validation requests until the refresh process is complete.

Note: The refresh process can be overhead intensive and can slow down system performance. Therefore, we recommend that you use the -r or-b option judiciously.


Shut down the calendar service.

Important! Shutting down the calendar service causes all requests for calendar validation to be returned as an “invalid day/time” condition. This action has the potential to cause all logons, workload schedules, and jobs, and so forth, to be rejected. Therefore, do not use the -s option during normal production hours. Issue the -s option before a reboot or system shutdown.


List the name of each calendar in the active calendar list. To view the list, check the system console or Windows Event Viewer file.


Delete (remove) the named calendar from the active calendar list.

Note: Any subsequent requests for the deleted calendar result in calendar validation failure returning an “invalid day/time condition."


Add the named calendar (defined in the Enterprise Management database) to the active calendar list.


Update the named calendar in the active calendar list. The calendar service reads the binary file for the named calendar and updates the copy of the calendar in the active calendar list.


Save current in-core DSB file for the calendars.

Environment Variables

Identifies the path where Enterprise Management is installed.


caladmin -r

Refreshes the active calendar list.

caladmin -b

Rebuilds binary files and refreshes the active calendar list.

caladmin -s

Shuts down the calendar service.

caladmin -l

Produces a list of all calendars in the active calendar list.

caladmin -dxyzcal

Removes the calendar xyzcal from the active calendar list.

caladmin -aabccal

Adds the calendar abccal, which is defined in the Enterprise Management database, to the active calendar list.

caladmin -uupdcal

Updates the copy of the calendar updcal in the active calendar list.