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careply-Reply to a cawtor Message

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

Use the Event Management careply command at any terminal to reply to a message sent to the Enterprise Management operator console with the cawtor command.

Replies sent using the careply command are written to the standard output of the process issuing the cawtor command


careply [-n node] [-s source] [-g category] m [text]



Identifies the machine name to which the reply is directed. If the node is not available, the reply is sent to the local machine.

Note: For the node option, it is necessary to type the brackets [ ] as part of the command.

-n node

Directs the reply to the identified node, which is one other than the node the user is on. If the node is not available, the reply is sent to the local node.

-s source

Assigns the identified source to the message for message matching.

-g category

Assigns the identified category to the message for message matching.


1- to 255-alphanumeric bytes of text, which complete the reply to the message.

Note: Since the careply command is issued from the command line, the text string you supply is subject to evaluation by the shell you are executing. Therefore, embedded blanks, special characters, and quotes in the text string require special consideration. See the documentation that is provided with your operating system for the rules and guidelines regarding text strings.


Message number that the cawtor command of the message that you must respond to generates.

Environment Variables


Environment variable that you can set to an alternate node. If this variable is set, and you issue careply without a node specification, the value of CAI_WTOR_NODE is used.

Valid on UNIX/Linux only


If the Event Management daemon or CAICCI is down, these files are created. Then the cawtor and careply commands can continue to function normally. The value of n is the message number the cawtor command generated. This message number is identical to the PID of the process issuing the cawtor when the Event Management daemon or CAICCI is down.

Before a command, reply, or acknowledgment is executed from the Console GUI using the oprcmd, careply, or delkeep commands, or by a message action, an authorization check is performed to verify that the user ID can perform this action.

If CA NSM security is inactive, the user ID issuing the command must be listed in the Users authorized to issue commands environment variable. This list is a setting that is edited in the Configuration Settings notebook, on the Event Management Preferences page.

Note: Wild cards can be used.


If this command is assigned to the message number 25, the following command sends the reply to the process issuing the cawtor:

cawtor OK to continue?
careply 25 Yes.