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dmsweep sspack

Use this command for displaying the list of packages found on one or more Scalability Servers.


dmsweep sspack [/manager <manager_machine>]
[/musername <manager_username> /mpassword <manager_password>]
[/mfilename <manager_filename>]
{/ip <address_wild> [/toip <stop_address>] |
/ipfilename <ip_filename> |
/domain <domain_name> |             (WinNT only)
/uri <uniform resource identifier> |
/targetcred <tc_filename> |
/query <query_name> }

Where /manager, /musername, /mpassword and /mfilename are the same as described for 'dmsweep packages'.

Where /ip, /toip, /ipfilename, /targetcred, /domain, /uri and /query are the same as described for 'dmsweep scan'.


Specifies the name of the manager from which to retrieve the package list. If you omit /manager, the current machine is assumed.


Specifies the username for the manager computer.

The user is prompted for the username if /musername is entered without <manager_username>.


Specifies the password for the manager computer.

Note: Neither /musername nor /mpassword can be specified without /manager.


Start address or addresses from which to scan.

Note: This parameter is the start address only when the /toip option is also used.


End address for the range to scan.

This option can only be used with /ip. When used, the scan starts with the address specified by <address_wild> and stops after scanning <stop_address>.


If you specify /ipfilename, the command reads the list of target machines from the file <ip_filename>. Each line of the file contains a single target address or multiple addresses separated by commas, for example:


machine2, machine3,



If a deployment manager is on a Windows-based computer, you can use /domain to scan the computers in the specified domain.


If you specify /uri, you can use a uniform resource identifier to specify target computers to read from an external directory.


If you specify /targetcred, the command reads the list of target machines and connection credentials from the file <target_credentials_file>.


If /query is specified, the list of targets is generated when the unmanaged asset query identified by <query_name> is run.


dmsweep sspack /ip ScalServ
Contacting the deployment manager on XXXXX06-CCSTEST. 
New job id is 6432350. 
Scanning for scalability server packages. ScalServ Found 2 packages (1 of 1) 
Scan complete. 
========================================================================= ScalServ Found 2 packages 
CA Unicenter DSM Agent + Basic Inventory Plugin 11.1.8160.410 Windows_x86 ENU 
CA Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery Plugin 11.1.8160.410 Windows_x86 ENU 

More Information:

dmsweep scan

dmsweep packages