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dmsweep packages

The dmsweep packages subcommand displays the list of packages available for deployment on the specified deployment manager.

"packages" can be shortened to "pack", that is, you can use the command "dmsweep pack".

Subcommand format:

[/manager <manager_machine>] 
[/musername <manager_username> /mpassword <manager_password>] 
[/mfilename <manager_filename>]

Specifies the name of the manager from which to retrieve the package list. If you omit /manager, the current machine is assumed.


Specifies the username for the manager computer.

The user is prompted for the username if /musername is entered without <manager_username>.


Specifies the password for the manager computer.

If <manager_password> is not provided, dmsweep prompts the value.

Note: Neither /musername nor /mpassword can be specified without /manager.


Lets you read the name of the manager and details of its username and password from a file.

If the manager requires authentication and /mfilename has been specified, the <manager_filename> is searched. If an entry exists for the manager, the credentials in the file are used, otherwise <manager_username> and <manager_password> are used. The file <manager_filename> lists one manager per line with each line containing the manager machine name, username and password:

manager1 username1 password1
manager2 username2 password2
* username3 password3

An entry with '*' as the manager name denotes default credentials, which are used for any manager name not listed in the file.

If the /mpassword option is specified but <manager_password> is omitted, the password is prompted for when the command runs.


Replace values such as the package number, target computers, and manager machines with suitable values.

List the packages available for deployment on the local machine:

dmsweep packages
dmsweep pack

Output from the command appears. The following extract is part of the example output, and it shows the package numbers that you can use with the /packagenumber (or /pn) options in subsequent commands.

Contacting the deployment manager on ASTEROID.
New job id is 13191950.
Retrieving the package list.
Found 5 packages on deployment manager ASTEROID:

..Package 1:		
....Product.....: CA DMS
....Package.....: Agent + Asset Management Plugin
....Version.....: 11.1.8124.2426
....Platform....: Windows_x86
    Language    : ENU
....Description.: Deploy agent with Asset Management plugin.
....UNIX Command : installdsm" -r $P$/install.rsp /REXITFILE=$E$ /RITRM_SERVER=$1$ $3$

....Parameter 1 : Please enter the Scalability Server address to connect to	
....Regular Expression Validation : ^[^<>`~!/@\#}$%:;)(_^{*=|'+]{1,255}$
....Parameter 2 : Please enter any additional Windows install options	             
....Regular Expression Validation : .*

..Package 2:		

In the example output, two parameters are listed for package 1. If you select this package for deployment, you must provide two parameters using the /pparams option. Use commas to separate the parameter values.

For example, select package 1 for deployment:

dmsweep deploy /pn 1 /ip /pparams <myserver>,”CA=D:\DSM”

where parameter 1 (the Scalability Server address) is set to <myserver>, parameter 2 (the Windows install options) has the value “CA=D:\DSM”, which requests the package should be installed in a non-default location.

The parameters appear in the DSM Explorer in three separate fields on the Agent Configuration page when you use the DSM Explorer to deploy a package.

The Regular Expression Validation string specifies the range of characters that are valid for the associated parameter. A validation string of ‘.*’ means there are no syntactic restrictions on the parameter value.