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dmsweep scan

The dmsweep scan command scans the specified target addresses and determines the active addresses available for deployment. It determines whether the target computers have the requested package installed.

Subcommand format:

scan [/manager <manager_machine>] 
[/musername <manager_username> /mpassword <manager_password>] 
[/mfilename <manager_filename>]  
{/ip <address_wild> [/toip <stop_address>] 
 | /ipfilename <ip_filename> 
 | /domain <domain_name> (WinNT only) 
 | /uri <uniform resource identifier> 
 | /targetcred <target_credentials_file> 
 | /query <query_name>}
{/packagenum <package_number> 
 |  /product <product_name> /package <package_name> 
 [/version <version>] 
 [/platform <platform>] 
 [/language <language>]}

Specifies the name of the manager from which to retrieve the package list. If you omit /manager, the current machine is assumed.


Specifies the username for the manager computer.


Specifies the password for the manager computer.


Lets you read the name of the manager and details of its username and password from a file.


Start address or addresses from which to scan.

You can specify an address as a machine name, if it can be successfully resolved (for example, by DNS), or as an IP address (for example The <address_wild> argument enables you to use asterisks (for example, 10.0.0.* covers the range to and 10.0.*.* covers the range to

You can specify a single address for <address_wild> or a comma-separated list of addresses.

Note: This parameter is the start address only when the /toip option is also used.


End address for the range to scan.

This option can only be used in conjunction with /ip. When used the scan starts with the address specified by <address_wild> and stops after scanning <stop_address>.


If you specify /ipfilename, the command reads the list of target machines from the file <ip_filename>. Each line of the file contains a single target address or multiple addresses separated by commas:


machine2, machine3,



If a deployment manager is on a Windows-based computer, you can use /domain to scan the computers in the specified domain.


If you specify /uri, you can use a uniform resource identifier to specify target computers to read from an external directory.


If you specify /targetcred, the command reads the list of target machines and connection credentials from the file <target_credentials_file>.


If /query is specified, the list of targets are generated when the unmanaged asset query identified by <query_name> is run.


Package number of the package to be scanned for.


Property of the package to be scanned for.


Property of the package to be scanned for.


Version of the package to be scanned for. If you do not provide enough information to identify the package, an error is displayed.


Platform property of the package to be scanned for. If you do not provide enough information to identify the package, an error is displayed.


Language property of the package to be scanned for. If you do not provide enough information to identify the package, an error is displayed.


Scan a target computer to find out if a package is already installed:

dmsweep scan /ip <target machine> /pn 2