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dmsweep deploy

The dmsweep deploy command attempts deployment of the specified package to the specified list of target computers.

Subcommand format:

[/manager <manager_machine>] 
[/musername <manager_username> /mpassword <manager_password>] 
[/mfilename <manager_filename>] 
{/ip <address_wild> [/toip <stop_address>] | /ipfilename <ip_filename> | /domain <domain_name> (WinNT only) 
| /uri <uniform resource identifier> 
| /targetcred <target_credentials_file> 
| /query <query_name> }
[/tusername <target_username> /tpassword <target_password> | /epassword <encrypted_password>] 
[/tfilename <target_filename>] | 
{/packagenum <package_number> | /product <product_name> /package <package_name> [/version <version>] [/platform <platform>] [/language <language>]} 
[/pparams <package_parameters>] 
[/jobname <job_name>] 
[/sserver <scalability_server_machine>
 /ssusername <scalability_server_username> /sspassword <scalability_server_password>]
 [/primerargs <primer install arguments>]

Specifies the name of the manager from which to retrieve the package list.


Specifies the username for the manager computer.


Specifies the password for the manager computer.

If <manager_password> is not supplied, dmsweep prompts the value when the command is executed.


Lets you read the name of the manager and details of its username and password from a file.


Start address from which to scan.

You can specify an address as a machine name, if it can be successfully resolved (for example, by DNS), or as an IP address (for example The <address_wild> argument enables you to use asterisks (for example, 10.0.0.* covers the range to and 10.0.*.* covers the range to

You can specify a single address for <address_wild> or a comma-separated list of addresses.


End address for the range to scan.

If you specify /toip with /ip, the scan starts with the address specified by <address_wild> and stops after scanning <stop_address>.


If you specify /ipfilename, the command reads the list of target machines from the file <ip_filename>. Each line of the file contains a single target address or multiple addresses separated by commas:


machine2, machine3,



If a deployment manager is on a Windows-based computer, you can use /domain to scan the computers in the specified domain.


If you specify /uri, you can use a uniform resource identifier to specify target computers to read from an external directory.


If you specify /targetcred, the command reads the list of target machines and connection credentials from the file <target_credentials_file>.


If you specify /query, the list of targets generates when the unmanaged asset query identified by <query_name> is run.


Package number of the package to be scanned. The output from the dmsweep packages command describes the valid values.

Note: Use of the /packagenum option allows rapid specification of packages, but be aware that the package numbers may differ as new packages are added to the deployment package library. If you wish to identify packages in a non-variant way, use the following package identification options:


The product name (for example "CA Unicenter DSM") to be scanned for.


The package name (for example "Agent + all agent plugins") to be scanned for.


Version of the package (for example "") to be scanned for. If you do not supply enough information to identify the package, an error is displayed.


Platform property of the package (for example "Linux x86") to be scanned for. If you do not supply enough information to identify the package, an error is displayed.


Language property of the package (for example "ENU") to be scanned for. If you do not supply enough information to identify the package, an error is displayed.


Specifies the username for connecting to the target. If your deployment manager has already deployed packages to the target computer, credentials are not required.


Specifies the password for connecting to the target. If your deployment manager has already deployed packages to the target computer, credentials are not required.

If you specify /tusername but omit <target_username>, the user is prompted for the username. If you specify /tpassword but omit <target_password>, the user is prompted for the password, which is displayed on the screen.


Specifies the password in encrypted form. This option alerts dmsweep to this format and the password is decrypted before being used.


If a target needs authentication and /tfilename has been specified, <target_filename> is searched. If an entry exists, the credentials specified in the file are used for the target, otherwise /tusername and /tpassword are used. The file <target_filename> contains one target per line, with each line containing the target's machine name (or IP address), username and password, for example: username1 password1 username2 password2

* username3 password3

An entry with '*' as the target name denotes default credentials for any target not listed in the file.


Specifies a comma-separated list of parameters to replace $1$, $2$ and so on. To display the command line along with the expected format and description of each parameter use dmsweep's packages command.


Specifies non-default installation arguments (for example non-default installation locations) to the dmprimer installation (but not the agent or server installation). The install arguments are passed unmodified to the installation command line on the computer on which a primer is to be installed.


Specifies the name of the job that is set to the supplied <job_name> argument; otherwise it is generated automatically based on the current date and time.


Forces the target machines to obtain their packages from a scalability server. If not specified the package is obtained from the manager machine.


Specifies the username for connecting to the scalability server.


Specifies the password for connecting to the scalability server.

Note: If you specify /ssusername but omit <scalability_server_username>, the user is prompted for the username. If you specify /sspassword but omit <scalability_server_password>, the user is prompted for the password, which will not be displayed on the screen.

Note: You can use <target_credentials_file> instead of <ip_filename> and <target_filename>.


Note: Replace values such as the package number, target computers, and manager machines with suitable values.