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dsmPush Examples

Display the dsmPush Usage

From the top level DVD folder run the dsmPush script, for example:

C:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD> dmscript dsmPush -?

Import Specific Product Packages with Language Packages Using the German Version of the Infrastructure Deployment Wizard and the Software Delivery reginfo Files

This example imports Asset Management and Software Delivery product packages with German and French language packages in the libraries, using the German version of the Infrastructure Deployment wizard and the Software Delivery reginfo files. The example applies to a Windows environment:

...\Program Files\CA\DSM\Bin\dmscript.exe "pathname\dsmPush.dms" copy
-I "imagelocation" -am -sd -REGDM -REGSD -P enu,deu,fra -L deu

Import Windows Packages to Support All Languages

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -P fra,chs,deu,esn,kor,jpn -L enu

Import Windows Packages for Asset Management in French Language to the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment Libraries

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -am -P fra -L enu

Import Windows Packages for Remote Control in Spanish Language to the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment Libraries

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -rc -P esn -L enu

Import Windows Packages for Remote Control and Software Delivery in Chinese Plus Japanese Language to the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment Libraries

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -rc -sd -P chs,jpn -L enu

Import Windows Packages for Asset Management and Software Delivery in Chinese, Korean, German, and Japanese Language to the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment Libraries

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -am -sd -P kor,jpn,chs,deu -L enu

Import Linux Packages for Asset Management and Software Delivery in Chinese, Korean, German, and Japanese Language to the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment Libraries

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -Linux -am -sd -P kor,jpn,chs,deu -L enu

Import All Windows Packages in All Languages to the Software Delivery Library

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -REGSD -P kor,jpn,chs,deu,esn,fra -L enu

Import All Windows Packages in All Languages to the Infrastructure Deployment Library

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -REGDM -P kor,jpn,chs,deu,esn,fra -L enu

Import All Windows Packages in All Languages to the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment Libraries Unattended

dmscript c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD\dsmPush.dms copy 
-I c:\DSM_11_2_226_1042_CD -win -P fra,chs,deu,esn,kor,jpn,nls -L enu 