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dsmPush copy script—Import Packages into a Library

The dsmPush copy script imports a set of packages for the specified products and operating environments into the Infrastructure Deployment library on the local system or into the Software Delivery library.

Note: To see the usage of the dsmPush script, issue a single question mark as parameter with the dsmPush script. The script must be run from the CD image, as follows:

On Windows, the usage is displayed in a pop-up message box; on Linux, the usage is printed to standard output (stdout). The usage displays automatically in the case of parameter errors; however, the usage is not displayed when the -silent parameter is used with dsmPush.

-I "imagelocation"

Specifies the root directory of the image. The default is the location of the dsmPush.dms script.


Specifies the operating environment of the packages to import through one of the following options:


Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Sun Solaris platforms


IBM AIX platforms


HP UX platform


MAC OS X platforms


SCO UnixWare platforms


Specifies the combination of products each imported agent package should contain. Valid values are as follows:


Asset Management


Remote Control


Software Delivery


Specifies to which library the packages should be imported. Valid values are as follows:


Specifies that the packages should be imported into the Infrastructure Deployment library on the local system


Specifies that the packages should be imported into the Software Delivery library.

If nothing is specified for registration, the packages are imported into both libraries.

-P {list_of_languagepackages}

Specifies the language packages to import.

The list_of_languagepackages is a comma-separated list without any spaces where you can specify the language packages using the following options:


multi-language packages


English (U.S.) packages


Simplified Chinese packages


German packages


Spanish packages


French packages


Japanese packages


Korean packages


This is the complete list of supported languages at the time of publication, but more may be added later.

The nls is provided for compatibility purposes only. It should be used only in combination with enu. The nls option represents the three languages French (fra), German (deu), and Japanese (jpn).

When you specify nls, an old style NLS package is copied to the library (Windows only).


-P deu,fra,kor 

imports packages that can be configured to operate in any of German, French, and Korean language.

-P enu 

specifies that only the English-only base packages are copied.

-L {enu|chs|deu|esn|fra|jpn|kor}

Specifies the language used by the Infrastructure Deployment wizard and the Software Delivery registration information. This is usually the language in which the Client Automation domain manager is running. You can use one of the options listed to specify the language. If the -L parameter is missing, enu (English (U.S.)) is used by default.

Example: -L deu


Forces that only one package (agent or language package) is imported in the Software Delivery and Infrastructure Deployment libraries. Any other package imported is omitted. This applies to each operating environment specified or for all operating environments if the operating_environment parameter is missing.

So if more than one operating environment is specified, the result is not a single package but a single package per operating environment

-single -P chs

Imports the Chinese language package.

-single -am

Imports the Asset Management agent package (English only).

-single -am -rc -P deu,fra

Imports the merged Remote Control and Asset Management agents package for English, German, and French.


Switches dsmPush's progress report off (for backward compatibility reasons).

By default, dsmPush provides a progress report that informs the users about what has already been done. The first information in the report is the name of the log file. On Linux, the progress report is written to standard output (stdout); on Windows, it is written to the Script Interpreter Window. This window closes 10 seconds after the progress report script has finished.

More Information:

dsmPush -? - Usage -