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Field Mappings: Service Desk Change Orders to CA Clarity PPM Change Order Tasks

In CA Clarity PPM, the fields listed in the following table are populated when a Service Desk analyst creates a change order task on an existing CA Clarity PPM project using Service Desk. Notes are provided only when there is special information on the location of the field in either CA Clarity PPM or Service Desk, or on how the connector handles data exchanges between the two applications.

Service Desk Change Order Fields

CA Clarity PPM Change Order Task Fields


Change Order Number


The Change Order Number field is required.

The ID is the CA Clarity PPM task ID and appears on the Task Properties page.

Order Summary


The Order Summary field is required. Only the first 150 characters of this field are mapped.


Change Order Status

The Change Order Status field appears in the Change Order Information section on the Task Properties: Change Order Details page. It is automatically set to Evaluate when the task is created.

Order Description


The Order Description field is required.

The Description field appears in the Change Order Information section on the Task Properties: Change Order Details page.



The task Start date field is calculated based on the change order Estimated Duration field and the Need By Date field. This field appears on the Task Properties page.

Need By Date


The Need By Date field is required.

The Finish field appears on the Task Properties page.

Change Order Number

Harvest ID

The Change Order Number field is required.

The Harvest ID field is read-only and appears in the Change Order Information section on the Task Properties: Change Order Details page.



In CA Clarity PPM, the Priority field appears on Task Properties: Change Order Details page.


Harvest Project

The Service Desk project CI is used to store information about projects that exist in CA Clarity PPM and Harvest. This information is used to determine both the CA Clarity PPM project and the Harvest project.