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Modify Resource Assignments

Use the following procedure to modify the assignment properties for the resources assigned to your tasks. You can also use the resource assignment properties page to vary the ETC based on work segments.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Tasks.

    The list page appears.

  2. Open the Tasks menu and click Assignments.

    The task assignments page appears.

  3. Click the Properties icon next to the name of the resource to define assignment properties.

    The resource assignment properties page appears.

  4. In the General section, complete the following fields:

    Displays the name of the resource assigned to the task.


    Defines the role of the resource assigned to the task.

    Loading Pattern

    Specifies the loading pattern to distribute the ETC for a task assignment over the duration of the task. Autoschedule schedules the work based on this loading pattern.

    Values: Back, Uniform, Fixed, Contour, or Front

    Default: Front


    Displays the total number of hours the resource has recorded to date for tasks on this project. Actuals appear after the Post Timesheets job is run.

    Actuals Thru

    Displays the actuals thru date for the resource task assignment based on posted actuals. The value for this field is updated when the Post Timesheets job runs, which runs automatically when the project manager posts an approved timesheet.


    Displays the status of the task based on the value of % Complete. This field is automatically calculated and updated based on the task % Complete value.


    • Completed. Indicates that the ETC task is zero and the percentage completed is 100.
    • Not Started. Indicates that actuals are not posted and the percentage completed is zero..
    • Started. Displays when a resource posts actuals to the task assignment. The percentage completed on the task is more than zero and less than 100.

    Default: Not Started


    Defines the date to start the task assignment for a resource. The list pages or portlets display the start date.

    Default: Task start date

    Note: Define the assignment to start on or after the task start date. If an assignment has actuals, the field is read-only. If an assignment has actuals, this field is display only.


    Defines the date to complete the task assignment for a resource. The list pages or portlets display the completion date.

    Default: Task completion date

    Note: Define the assignment to finish on or before the task completion date.


    Displays the estimate of remaining hours to complete the task. The estimate is based on the allocation percent for the team staff member between assignment start and finish dates. Also based on the number of hours the resource is available each day.

  5. Save the changes.

More information:

Remove Resource Assignments from Tasks

Teams (projects and investments)

About Resource Load Patterns

Enter Time-Varying ETC Segments for Resource Assignments

Evenly Distribute ETC Over Segments