Scheduling (projects) › Task Dependencies and Relationships › Drag and Drop Guidelines for the Gantt
Drag and Drop Guidelines for the Gantt
In the Gantt view, drag and drop Gantt bars to create dependencies between tasks or to edit task dates. In the WBS, drag and drop tasks to move up or down in the hierarchy, or change the order of the tasks. The WBS is refreshed after you move or edit a task.
If pending edits exist, the options to drag bars to create dependencies, or move tasks in the WBS are unavailable. You can still move the task dates though.
Use the following guidelines for editing and linking tasks using drag-and-drop:
- Place your cursor near the start of a bar to change a task start date. The cursor changes to a left-right arrow. The finish date does not change.
- Place your cursor in middle of a bar to change both the task start date and end date. The cursor changes to a four-way arrow. Both dates change by an equal amount.
- Place your cursor near the end of a bar to change the task end date. The cursor changes to a left-right arrow. The start date does not change.
- When you drop a bar after dragging, changes to the start and end dates are reflected in the WBS as pending edits.
- A dependency line displays when you drag a bar up or down off a row. To cancel a change, press Escape while dragging, or drop the cursor into an open space without any task bars.
- Save all pending edits before moving tasks, or creating task dependencies. Some toolbar options are unavailable if pending edits exist.
- Move tasks into a new position in the WBS. Select the check boxes and then drag and drop them into the required place.
- Select a row by clicking the check box next to the task.
- Select and move a summary task to move all children tasks. The selected tasks are inserted before, or after the target task based upon the insertion line.
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