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Task Dependencies and Relationships

Task dependencies allow you to designate a successor, or predecessor task for a task. Also, to indicate the type of relationship for the tasks. You can create better project plans by using task dependencies and defining lag and lead time. Task relationships display in the Gantt chart in the Gantt view.

You can define the following task dependency relationship types:

Gantt Bars


This is illustration shows a finish-to-start task dependency.

Finish-Start. The predecessor task must finish before the successor task can start. This dependency is the most common type.

This illustration shows a start-to-start task dependency.

Start-Start. The predecessor task must start before the successor task can start.

This illustration shows a start-to-finish task dependency.

Start-Finish. The predecessor task must start before the successor task can finish.

This illustration shows a finish-to-finish task dependency.

Finish-Finish. The predecessor task must finish before the successor task can finish.

More information:

Scheduling (projects)

Task Dependencies and Autoschedule

Drag and Drop Guidelines for the Gantt

Create Task Dependencies

Open Projects from CA Clarity PPM in Open Workbench

Edit Task Dependencies

About Dependency Chains

Create External Task Dependencies

About Externally Dependent Tasks

Access Rights (Investments)