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Create Task Dependencies

Create task dependencies in the same project from the Gantt view. When you link two tasks in the WBS, a finish-start dependency is created by default. The topmost task in the hierarchy sequence becomes the predecessor and the bottommost task the successor.

Drag-and-drop the Gantt bars to create any type of task dependency. Once created, you cannot change the dependencies using drag-and-drop, but can move tasks without affecting the dependency. To edit the task dependencies, use the task properties page.

You cannot create dependencies to and from summary tasks.

In the WBS, expand a collapsed summary task to view the dependency lines between its detail tasks and other tasks.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project.
  2. Open the Tasks menu and click Gantt.

    The Gantt view appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

More information:

Task Dependencies and Relationships

Task Dependencies and Autoschedule

Drag and Drop Guidelines for the Gantt

Open Projects from CA Clarity PPM in Open Workbench

Edit Task Dependencies

About Dependency Chains

Create External Task Dependencies

About Externally Dependent Tasks

Edit Task Dependencies

Create External Task Dependencies