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Resource Information Field Mapping (Microsoft Project)

The following table maps the fields from Resource information in Microsoft Project to fields on the resource properties page in CA Clarity PPM:

Microsoft Project

CA Clarity PPM


General Tab

Resource Name

Resource/Role Name


The name of the role and non-labor resource in CA Clarity PPM. For labor resources, the concatenated last and first name of the resource without commas.

When opening the project in Microsoft Project, commas are replaced with a space. When saving the project back to CA Clarity PPM, spaces are replaced with commas.


Resource ID


When saving the project to CA Clarity PPM, this field is used to check for an existing CA Clarity PPM resource ID.

If the matching resource ID is found, the project is saved to CA Clarity PPM. If no matching resource ID is found, you are asked to provide a valid resource ID.

Resource Type

Employment Type


In CA Clarity PPM, this field is set to:

  • Work for labor resources and roles
  • Material for all other resource types.



This field is set to On for roles and set to Off for resources.

Booking Type


Not mapped to CA Clarity PPM, but the value is retained in the .MPP file.


Email Address








Input Type Code



Resource Availability

In Microsoft Project, resource availability is the units a resource is available to work on the project. In CA Clarity PPM, resource availability is based on the systemwide availability of the resource in hours, and the percent a resource is allocated to projects.

When opening a project in Microsoft, the resource availability is set from CA Clarity PPM using the following formula:

Resource systemwide Availability * Resource Project % Allocation

Maps resource availability fields in Microsoft Project to resource availability fields on the project team staff page and resource properties page.



Used only for labor resources in Microsoft Project.

This field is combined with the resource-to-project allocation information when opening the project in Microsoft Project. The field gets factored out when saving the project to CA Clarity PPM.




Used only for labor resources in Microsoft Project.

This field is combined with resource availability when opening the project in Microsoft Project and then gets factored out when saving the project to CA Clarity PPM.

Available From

Project Team: Staff: Start



When saving the project to CA Clarity PPM, this field is set to the date the resource is available to finish the project.

If the Available To field is set to NA in Microsoft Project, this field in CA Clarity PPM is set to blank indicating that the resource is available when the project starts.

Available To

Project Team: Staff: Finish



When saving the project to CA Clarity PPM, this field is set to the date the resource is available to finish the project.

If the Available To field is set to NA in Microsoft Project, this field in CA Clarity PPM is set to blank indicating that the resource is available when the project starts.

Working Time tab

Work Time information in Microsoft Project is set to the base calendar and any resource-specific exceptions from the resource calendar settings on the edit resource calendar page in CA Clarity PPM. The calendar is used only for labor resources in Microsoft Project.

Costs tab

When opening the project in Microsoft Project, cost information is set to the first cost rate table from the CA Clarity PPM cost matrix.