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Save Copies of Existing CA Clarity PPM Projects as New Projects (Microsoft Project)

You can save a copy of an existing CA Clarity PPM project as a new project. Such action copies all the project information to the new project. Both projects exist independently of each other. No file sharing occurs.

Saving a copy of a CA Clarity PPM project, discards your lock on that project, unless you save it as an MPP file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project in Microsoft Project from CA Clarity PPM.

    The project opens.

  2. Click the CA Clarity PPM Integration menu or toolbar, and go to Save As....

    The Save As To Clarity dialog appears.

  3. Enter a new, unique CA Clarity PPM project ID, and then click Save As.

    A copy of the project is saved as a new project in CA Clarity PPM.

More information:

Open Projects from CA Clarity PPM in Microsoft Project