If the following conditions are true, you can create a project in Microsoft Project and then save it to CA Clarity PPM:
When you save a new project created in Microsoft Project to CA Clarity PPM, the following occurs automatically:
Note: If the project ID exists in CA Clarity PPM, you can save a project over an existing project by clicking Save As... from the CA Clarity PPM Integration menu or toolbar. If you save over an existing project, the new project information replaces the existing project information. Unplanned tasks, assigned tasks with actuals are moved to the Deleted Tasks summary phase as deleted tasks.
If you open a project from CA Clarity PPM, the project ID stored in the MPP file is used as the default project ID. If the project is not opened from CA Clarity PPM, the project title is used as the project ID.
You can change the project ID. If the project ID is unique in CA Clarity PPM, a new project is saved to CA Clarity PPM. If the project ID exists in CA Clarity PPM, a confirmation message appears letting you know the ID exists already. Click Yes to replace the existing project with the new project information.
Note: If you change the ID, the MPP file name changes to match it.
Follow these steps:
The Save As to Clarity dialog appears with a list of active projects to which you have access rights.
Defines the unique identifier for the project that is typically auto-numbered.
Limits: 20 characters
Required: Yes
Defines the default local path and the MPP file name of the project. The MPP file name defaults to the project ID. If the project name exists already, information from the new project replaces the existing project.
Note: The path and file name are based on the Tools, Option, Save settings in Microsoft Project. Any changes to the setting do not take effect until the next time you start Microsoft Project.
Indicates the tracking method that is used by resource assignments to enter time spent on project tasks.
Default: Clarity
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