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Verify Users and User Groups

Verify users and user groups in CA EEM so that users can access the necessary components of CA Automation Suite for Clouds.

Follow these steps:

  1. Access the CA EEM home page.
  2. Select Manage Identities, Users.
  3. Complete the following details in the Search Users section and click Go.

    Specifies the attribute for the search.

    Value: User Name


    Specifies the operator type.

    Value: LIKE


    Specifies the value for the search. Leave this field blank.

  4. Verify that the Microsoft Active Directory users for your site appear in the Users section as shown in the following sample graphic and then select Groups.

    This graphic is a screenshot of the CA EEM Users page.

  5. Do the following steps in the Search Groups section:
    1. Select Show global groups.
    2. Accept the default values for the Attribute, Operator, and Value fields, and click Go.
    3. Verify that the Microsoft Active Directory user groups for your site appear in the User Groups section as shown in the following sample graphic.

    This graphic is a screenshot of the CA EEM User Groups page.

  6. Click Log Out to exit CA EEM.

    The necessary users and user groups are in CA EEM.

    You have installed CA EEM and configured it to use Microsoft Active Directory.

CA EEM manages your windows users. Enter other CA Automation Suite for Clouds domain users and assign them to the Local Administrator Group. Create the spadmin user for the CA Service Catalog. Create the pamadmin and pamuser users for CA Process Automation. Any CA application that leverages an authorization in CA EEM requires you to create the associated groups in the user store.