Previous Topic: Configuring Call Progress Analysis (CPA) Parameters

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Inserting a New Named Set of CPA Parameters

You manage named sets of CPA parameters from the Sets property sheet. Generally, you should not make any changes to the Engine Default set because you may need to restore this configuration if the changes leave the notification services inoperable.

To create a new named set of Call Progress Analysis parameters

  1. Type the name of the set in the Name field.
  2. Click Insert.

    The Configuration Manager client creates a new named set of CPA parameters that contains the same settings as the set that was selected when you clicked Insert.

Important! The Apply button at the bottom of the property sheet becomes active when you click Insert. The Apply button commits changes to the notification server in the same way as the OK button; however, the Apply button does not close the property sheet like the OK button does. If you want to add multiple named sets of CPA parameters to the notification server, you must click Apply after each set you insert.

To add multiple named sets of CPA parameters

  1. Type the name of the set in the Name field.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Change any parameters that you want for the set. (For details, see the section Configuring Call Progress Analysis parameters that follows.)
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for each set you want to add.