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Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes

Valid on Windows platforms.


Web pages in browser windows do not load properly, display error messages, or both when logging in to CA ARCserve D2D nodes from the Nodes screen.


This behavior affects mainly Internet Explorer browsers. Web pages may not load properly when Active scripting, ActiveX controls, or Java programs are disabled on your computer or blocked on your network.

You can correct the problem by refreshing your browser window. However, if refreshing your browser window does not correct the problem, do the following:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.

    From the Tool menu, click Internet Options.

    The Internet Options dialog opens.

  2. Click the Security tab.

    The Security options display.

  3. Click Internet zone.

    The Internet Zone options display.

  4. Click Custom Level.

    The Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog opens.

  5. Scroll to the Scripting category.

    Locate Active scripting.

    Click the Enable or Prompt option.

  6. Click OK on the Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog.

    The Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog closes.

  7. Click OK on the Internet Options dialog.

    The Internet Options dialog closes and the Active scripting option is applied.

Note: If this solution does not correct the problem, consult your systems administrator to verify that other programs, such as antivirus or firewall programs, are not blocking Active scripting, ActiveX controls, or Java programs.