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Certificate Error Appears When You Log In to the Application

Valid on Windows platforms.


The following message appears in your browser window when you log in to the application:

If you specify an option that lets you continue to the website, you can log in to the application successfully. However, you encounter this behavior every time you log in to the application.


This behavior occurs when you specify to use HTTPS as the communication protocol. To correct this problem temporarily, click the link in your browser window that lets you continue to the website. However, the next time that you log in to the application, you will encounter the message again.

HTTPS communication protocol provides a higher level of security than HTTP communication protocol. If you want to continue to communicate using HTTPS communication protocol, you can purchase a security certificate from VeriSign and then install the certificate on the application server. Optionally, you can change the communication protocol used by the application to HTTP. To change the communication protocol to HTTP, do the following:

  1. Log in to the server where you installed the application.
  2. Browse to the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\BIN
  3. Execute the following batch file:
  4. After the batch file executes, open Windows Server Manager.

    Restart the following service:

    CA ARCserve Central Applications Service