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Print Report Option

You can quickly print an object view using the Windows Client Print Report icon (Print Icon) from the toolbar of the object view.

Note: The Customize Reports Wizard in the Web Client provides a output report feature with output report options. You can then print the output report as you would any report. For more information, see the CAVantage SRM Web Client Guide.

When using the Windows Client Output Report wizard, the output includes all the information from your object view as it appears in your object view at the time you generate the report. Before you generate the report, you can use other object view options (such as filter, sort, color code, and so on) to design how the information appears in your object view and subsequently how the report appears. The number of records in the report depends on the settings in the Record Range page of the Output Report wizard. You also have the option of using the View and Output Definition wizard to customize reports with the appearance and information you want.

To quickly print an object view using the Print Report icon in the Windows Client

  1. Click the object in the Object Tree view.

    The object view appears.

  2. Click the Print Report icon (Print Icon) from the toolbar of the object view.

    The Record Range page of the Output Report wizard opens, as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot example fo the Windows Client Output Report wizard, Record Range page

  3. Indicate how many rows of information you want printed.
  4. If you have defined a default printer in your Windows operating system and you want the print file sent to that printer click the Perform button.

    The Record Range page closes and the print file is sent to your default printer. You do not need to perform any more of the following steps.

  5. If you want to indicate the printer you want the report sent to click the Next button.

    The Destinations page opens.

  6. Click the Define the printer link to open the Printer page, as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot example of the Printer Desitnations page of the Output Report wizard.

  7. Click the down arrow at the end of the Printer field and select the printer you want the report sent to.

    Note: The Printer drop-down list includes all printers you have defined in your Windows operating system printer setup.

    You can also use the Printer page to specify number of copies, page orientation, and paper size.

  8. Click Perform.

    The Printer page closes and the print file is sent to the printer.

Note: For more information about the Output Report wizard, click the Help icon in the wizard.