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Multiple Output Formats

You can use the Windows Client Output Reports wizard to define output formats, number of records, and destinations of your object view as it is currently displayed. You also have the option of using the View and Output Definition wizard to customize reports with the appearance and information you want.

Note: The Customize Reports Wizard in the Web Client provides an output report feature where you can define output formats, schedules, and destinations of object user-view data. For more information, see the CAVantage SRM Web Client Guide.

When using the Output Reports wizard in the Windows Client, the output includes all the information from your object view as it appears in your object view at the time you generate the report. Before you generate the report, you can use other object view options (such as filter, sort, color code, and so on) to design how the information appears in your object view and subsequently how the report appears. The number of records in the report depends on the settings in the Record Range page of the wizard.

To start the Output Report wizard in the Windows Client

  1. Click the object in the Object Tree view to open the object.
  2. Select File, then Output Report from the object View menu to open the Output Report wizard. If you just want to print a report, mail a report as an attachment, or export the object data to Excel, then simply click the corresponding report output icon in the object window toolbar.

The following is a sample of the Windows Client Destinations page of the Output Report wizard for the Storage Group object.

This is a screen shot example of the Windows Client Output Reports wizard Destinations page.

Each output destination gives you additional options as shown in the following example procedure for creating a Formatted File.

To produce a Formatted File using the Output Report wizard

  1. Click the box next to the File (PDF, HTML, XML, TXT) option in the Destinations page of the Output Report wizard.

    A check mark appears in the box next to the File (PDF, HTML, XML, TXT) option and the Define file location link is highlighted.

  2. Click the Define file location link.

    The File (Formatted Report Destinations) Destinations page opens with PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format selected, as shown in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot example of the Windows Client Output Report wizard Destinations File Formatted Report page.

  3. Click the box next to the formats of the report you want to create. For example, select the box next to HTML option if you do not want to create a HTML file.

    The File: field is populated with a default location dependent on the formats selected.

  4. Click the Browse button next to the File: field if you want to change where the report is to be filed.

    The File: field is populated with the new file location.

  5. Click Perform.

    The File (Formatted Report Destinations) page closes, and the file is created and filed in the location indicated.

Note: For more information about the Output Report wizard, click the Help icon in the Output Reports wizard.