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CA IBM LPAR AutoShell Commands

You can use the AutoShell to script and automate CA IBM LPAR commands and run actions based on the command results. Corresponding commands are also available in the CLI.

More Information

dpmlpar cycle Command--Cycle a Logical Partition (Funclet)

dpmlpar delete Command--Delete a Logical Partition (Funclet)

dpmlpar getresources Command--Get LPAR Resources (Funclet)

dpmlpar image Command--Create an IBM AIX LPAR (Funclet)

dpmlpar imgjobcheck Command--Retrieve Status of IBM AIX Imaging Job (Funclet)

dpmlpar setresources Command--Add Memory Resources (Funclet)

dpmlpar setresources Command--Add Processor Resources (Funclet)

dpmlpar setresources Command--Subtract Memory Resources (Funclet)

dpmlpar setresources Command--Subtract Processor Resources (Funclet)

dpmlpar list Command--List HMC Resources (Funclet)