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dpmlpar image Command--Create an IBM AIX LPAR (Funclet)

The dpmlpar image command creates an IBM AIX LPAR using the HMC and a target IBM AIX managed system. You can optionally deploy the IBM AIX operating system after you create the LPAR.

This command has the following format:

dpmlpar image 
-hmc name -managed_system managedsystemname 
-partition_name partitionname 
-profile_name profilename 
-min_mem size 
-desired_mem size 
-max_mem size 
-proc_mode {shared|dedicated} 
-min_proc_units units 
-desired_proc_units units 
-max_proc_units units 
-min_procs number 
-desired_procs number 
-max_procs number 
-max_virtual_slots number 
-share_mode {capped|uncapped} 
[-uncap_weight weight] 
[-io_slot DRC index,{true|false}] 
[-lpar_io_pool_id id {,id, }] 
[-virtual_serial_adapter slot_num, remote_lpar_name, remote_slot_num, is_required] 
[-virtual_scsi_client_adapter slot_num, remote_lpar_name, remote_slot_num, is_required] | 
[-virtual_scsi_server_client_adapter virtual_io_server_name, backing_device_name, client_slot_num, is_required] 
[-virtual_eth_adapter slot_num, is_IEEE, port_vlan_id, (additional_vlan_id, additional_vlan_id, …), trunk_priority, is_required]
[-virtual_fc_server_client_adapter virtual_io_server_name, physical_fc_port_name, client_slot_num, is_required [virtual_io_server_name,physical_fc_port_name,client_slot_num,is_required;...]]
[-verbose add_commandinfo]
[-create_logical_volume <false|true>]
[-logical_volume_size <value>]
[-volume_group_names <value>]
[-logical_volume_name <value>]
[-use_logical_volume_name_as_prefix {no|yes}]
[-default_vio_server_name vioserver] 
[-sc URL]
[-ws_remote_user username]
[-ws_remote_password password]

Additional parameters for provisioning AIX using a resource group

-provision_aix true 
-type res_group 
-res_group_name resourcegroupname 
-machine_res_name machineresourcename 
-target_username targetusername 
[-target_password targetpassword] 
[-auth_file authorizationfilename] 
[-auth_comp componentID] 
-nim_master_host_name nimmasterhostname 
[-scalability_server servername] 
[-deploy_template templatename] 
-auto_deploy {yes|no} 
[-wait [timeout]]

Additional parameters for provisioning AIX using individual resources

-provision_aix true 
-type individual_res 
-machine_res_name machineresourcename 
-lpp lppresource 
-spot spotresource 
-bosinst_data bosdata 
-resolv_conf resolveconf 
-fb_script fbscript 
-post_inst_scripts script1,script2,script3 
-target_username targetusername 
[-target_password targetpassword] 
[-auth_file authorizationfilename] 
[-auth_comp componentID] 
-nim_master_host_name nimmasterhostname 
[-scalability_server servername] 
[-deploy_template templatename] 
-auto_deploy {yes|no} 
[-wait [timeout]]
-hmc name

Specifies the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) that controls the managed systems where the logical partition resides.

-managed_system managedsystemname

Specifies the managed system on which the logical partition resides. The managed system must exist on the HMC/IVM.

-partition_name partitionname

Specifies the name of the logical partition to create.

-profile_name lparprofile (HMC only)
[-profile_name lparname] (IVM only)

Specifies the partition profile to use when you activate the logical partition. Required for HMC. Optional for IVM, and if specified the name must match the partition name.

-min_mem size

Defines the minimum amount of memory for the partition.

-desired_mem size

Defines the desired amount of memory for the partition.

-max_mem size

Defines the maximum amount of memory for the partition.

-proc_mode {shared|dedicated}

Specifies the type of processor mode for the partition. Options include the following:


Shares processor resources with other partitions.


Specifies that the partition has dedicated processor resources.

-min_proc_units units

Defines the minimum number of processing units for this partition.

Limits: .01 increments

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

-desired_proc_units units

Defines the assigned number of processing units for this partition.

Limits: .01 increments

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

-max_proc_units units

Defines the maximum number of processing units for this partition.

Limits: .01 increments

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

-min_procs number

Defines the minimum number of virtual processors for this partition.

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

-desired_procs number

Defines the assigned number of virtual processors for this partition.

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

-max_procs number

Defines the maximum number of virtual processors for this partition.

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

-shared_mode {capped|uncapped}

Specifies whether the managed system allows the logical partition to use idle processing units that are not committed to another partition from the shared processor pool.

Note: This option can only be used with shared processors.

Options include the following:


Specifies that the partition can only use the number of processing units that are committed to it.


Specifies that the partition can use idle processor units from the shared processor pool when they are available.

-uncap_weight weight

(Optional) Defines a weighted average of processing priority when you select uncapped sharing mode.

Limits: 0 - 255

-max_virtual_slots number

Defines the maximum number of virtual adapters for this partition.

Default: 2

Limits: 2 - 65,536

-io_slot DRC-Index,{true|false}

(Optional) Specifies the I/O slot for a physical component. You can specify this value multiple times for different I/O devices.


Specifies the slot dynamic reconfiguration connector (DRC) index.


Specifies that a DRC index is required for the I/O slot.


Specifies that a DRC index is not required for the I/O slot.

-io_pool_id id {,id ...}

(Optional) Defines the group of I/O adapters that can be taken over and used by any of a specified group of logical partitions without any active intervention from the HMC. The group of partitions can be a comma-separated list of I/O pool IDs.

-virtual_serial_adapter slot_num, remote_lpar_name, remote_slot_num, is_required

(Optional) Defines the virtual serial adapters for this logical partition. The variable is_required can be set to true or false. Only client serial adapter is supported, but can be specified multiple times.

Default: Two server serial adapters created in slots 1 and 2.

Note: Not supported for creating an LPAR on IVM.

-virtual_eth_adapter_client slot_num, is_IEEE, port_vlan_id1 (vlanid2,vlanid3,...), trunk_priority, is_required

(Optional) Defines the virtual ethernet adapters for this logical partition and can be specified multiple times. Optional values are vlan_idn and trunk_priority. The variables is_IEEE and is_required can be set to true or false. Additional vlan_ids must be comma-separated and enclosed in parentheses.

Note: When creating an LPAR on IVM, slot_num must be greater than or equal to 4.

Example: 4,false,1,,,true

-virtual_scsi_client_adapter slot_num, remote_lpar_name, remote_slot_num, is_required

(Optional) Defines the virtual client SCSI adapters for this logical partition and can be specified multiple times. The variable is_required can be set to true or false.

-virtual_scsi_server_client_adapter virtual_io_server_name, backing_device_name, client_slot_num, is_required

(Optional) Defines a virtual SCSI server device and virtual SCSI client device, which is automatically linked after the server device is created and the server slot number is identified. This parameter can be specified multiple times. The variable is_required can be set to true or false.

Example: CUST-VIOSERVER,hdisk5,3,true

Note: If you create Logical Volume using the dpmlpar image command and set the -create_logical_volume option to 'yes', the -virtual_scsi_server_client_adapter option is not required and shall be omitted.

-virtual_fc_server_client_adapter virtual_io_server_name, physical_fc_port_name, client_slot_num, is_required [;virtual_io_server_name, physical_fc_port_name, client_slot_num, is_required;...]

(Optional) Defines a virtual Fibre Channel (FC) client adapter, FC server adapter on VIO server, and associates the FC server adapter to the physical FC port. This option is not valid when the -provision_aix option is set to true. This parameter can be specified multiple times. The variable is_required can be set to true or false.

-create_logical_volume {no|yes}

(Optional) Specifies whether to create Logical Volume.

Default: no

Note: If you create Logical Volume using the dpmlpar image command and set the -create_logical_volume option to 'yes', the -virtual_scsi_server_client_adapter option is not required and shall be omitted.

-logical_volume_size logical_volume_size

(Optional) Defines the size of the Logical Volume in MB.

-volume_group_names volume_group_1, volume_group_2, volume_group_3

(Optional) Specifies the Logical Volume group names as a comma-separated list.

-logical_volume_name logical_volume_name

(Optional) Defines the name of the Logical Volume.

-use_logical_volume_name_as_prefix {no|yes}

(Optional) Specifies whether to use the Logical Volume Name as a prefix.

Default: no

-default_vio_server_name vioserver

(Optional) Specifies the VIO server that is used for creation of Logical Volumes.

-itcm_server itcm_servername

(Optional) Specifies the name of the [assign itcm product name for the adsm variable] Server.

-sc URL

(Optional) Specifies the URL of the service controller.

-ws_remote_user username

(Optional) Specifies the CA Virtual Assurance remote user name.

-ws_remote_password password

(Optional) Specifies the CA Virtual Assurance remote password.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.

Required parameters for provisioning

-auth_file authorizationfilename

(Optional) Specifies the full path name of the authorization file to use to retrieve the encrypted password. This file contains the CA Virtual Assurance administrator credentials that were generated using the dpmutil set auth command. When this option is not specified, the default authorization file is used.

-auth_comp componentID

(Optional) Specifies a component ID that you can use to group hosts and users.

-auto_deploy {yes|no}

Specifies whether CA Virtual Assurance agents are deployed automatically. Options include the following:


Deploys CA Virtual Assurance agents automatically.


Prevents CA Virtual Assurance agents from being deployed automatically.

Default: no

-bosinst_data bos_install_data_resource

Specifies a file that contains information for the base operating system (BOS) installation program. Optional if –install_type is mksysb. Required if -install_type is rte.

-deploy_template templatename

(Optional) Specifies the name of the generic template created in CA Virtual Assurance.

Note: Do not confuse this template with the templates created and managed by VMware vCenter.

-fb_script fbscript

(Optional) Defines the name of the file to use to configure devices when a NIM client is initially booting after the BOS installation process is complete.

-lpp lpp_resource

Specifies the licensed program product files to use for an imaging request. Optional if –install_type is mksysb. Required if -install_type is rte.

-machine_res_name machineresourcename

Defines the name of the machine resource. This name must be predefined at the NIM Master.

-nim_master_host_name nimmasterhostname

Defines the NIM master host name to perform the image deployment.

-post_inst_scripts script1,script2,script3

(Optional) Specifies a comma-separated list of scripts to run after installation.

-provision_aix {true|false}

Indicates whether the partition is imaged using NIM, after you create it.


Uses NIM to image the partition that you created. If you set to true, the NIM resource group or NIM individual resource parameters are used. See the dpmnim image Command|Deploy an IBM AIX Image Using a Resource Group and dpmnim image Command|Deploy an IBM AIX Image Using an Individual Resource. The job ID is returned when NIM provisioning starts.


Does not use NIM to image the partition that you created. No job ID is returned.

-res_group_name resource group name

Defines the name of the resource group.

-resolve_conf resolveconf

(Optional) Defines a file that contains valid /etc/resolv.conf entries that define Domain Name Protocol name-server information for local resolver routines.

-scalability_server servername

(Optional) Specifies the [assign itcm product name for the adsm variable] scalability server for software distribution.

-spot spotResource [mksysbResource]

Defines the shared product object tree to use for an imaging request.

-target_password targetpassword

(Optional) Defines the user password used for deploying agents to the target host server to which you are deploying the image. If you do not specify the password, it is retrieved from the authorization file.

Note: Use the dpmutil CLI to set up the authorization file.

-target_username targetusername

Defines the user name used for deploying agents to the target host server to which you are deploying the image.

-type {res_group|individual_res}

Specifies to use the imaging operation type resource group or individual resources.


Specifies to use the resource group for imaging.


Specifies to use individual resources for imaging.

-wait timeout

(Optional) Indicates whether to display the status of the job and not return until the operation completes, fails, or the timeout period is met (if you specify a timeout value). If you do not specify this option, the CLI returns without waiting for completion. If there is no response, the optional timeout value defines the timeout period in minutes. If you enter the wait option with no timeout value, the CLI uses the default wait time from the caimgconf.cfg file or defaults to 120 minutes. In addition to any positive integer, the following timeout values are also possible:


No timeout value.


Wait indefinitely.

-verbose add_commandinfo

Provides additional information about how to execute the command.

Example: Create an IBM AIX Logical Partition

This example creates a logical partition, but does not provision it.

dpmlpar image -hmc ivm01 -managed_system testMS -partition_name lpartest01 
-profile_name Default -max_virtual_slots 10 -min_mem 128 -desired_mem 256 
-max_mem 2048 -min_procs 1 -desired_procs 2 -max_procs 5 -proc_mode shared 
-share_mode uncapped -uncap_weight 123 -min_proc_units .5 -max_proc_units 3.25 
-desired_proc_units 1.75 -virtual_serial_adapter 2,serial_partition,1,true 
-virtual_scsi_client_adapter 3,scsi_partition,7,true 
-virtual_eth_adapter 4,true,1,(22,35,54),,true -io_slot 21020003,false

Example: Create an IBM AIX Logical Partition and Image it Using Individual Resources

This example creates a logical partition and provisions it using individual resources.

dpmlpar image -hmc hmc01 -managed_system testMS -partition_name IRTEST 
-profile_name Default -max_virtual_slots 10 -min_mem 128 -desired_mem 256 
-max_mem 2048 -min_procs 1 -desired_procs 1 -max_procs 1 -proc_mode dedicated 
-virtual_serial_adapter 2,SerialPartition,1,true 
-virtual_scsi_client_adapter 3,SCSIPartition,7,true 
-virtual_eth_adapter 4,true,1,(22,35,54),0,true -io_slot 21020003,false 
-provision_aix true -type individual_res -lpp 530lpp_res -spot 530spot_res 
-bosinst_data 530_bid_ow -resolv_conf master_net_conf -post_inst_scripts piScript 
-machine_res_name MachineName -nim_master_host_name 
-auto_deploy no -target_username root -target_password password

Example: Create an IBM AIX Logical Partition and Image it Using a Resource Group

This example creates a logical partition and provisions it using a resource group.

dpmlpar image -hmc hmc01 -managed_system testMS -partition_name RGTEST 
-profile_name Default -max_virtual_slots 10 -min_mem 128 -desired_mem 256 
-max_mem 2048 -min_procs 1 -desired_procs 2 -max_procs 5 -proc_mode dedicated 
-virtual_serial_adapter 2,SerialPartition,1,true 
-virtual_scsi_client_adapter 3,SCSIPartition,7,true 
-virtual_eth_adapter 4,true,1,(22,35,54),,true -io_slot 21020003,false 
-provision_aix true -type res_group -res_group_name Res_grp -machine_res_name Machine 
-nim_master_host_name -auto_deploy no 
-target_username root -target_password password