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dpmlpar list Command--List HMC Resources (Funclet)

The dpmlpar list command lists information from the Hardware Management Console.

This command has the following format:

dpmlpar list 
-hmc name 
-managed_system managedsystemname 
-partition_name partitionname 
-display {managed_systems | managed_system_details | partitions | io_components | backing_devices | scsi_adapters | partition_details | profiles | wwpns} 
[-verbose add_commandinfo]
[-sc URL]
[-ws_remote_user username]
[-ws_remote_password password]
-display {managed_systems|managed_system_details|partitions|io_components|backing_devices|scsi_adapters|partition_details|profiles|wwpns}

Specifies which resources to list. Options include the following:


Lists the managed systems controlled by the management hardware console.


Provides detailed information about a managed system.


Lists the partitions on a managed system.


Lists the I/O components of a managed system.


Lists the devices that are available to be attached as backing devices to the Server Virtual SCSI Adapter.


Lists the SCSI adapters of a managed system.


Lists the details for a partition.


Lists the list of profiles for a partition.


Displays the worldwide port names for a partition.

-hmc name

Specifies the HMC/IVM for which to list information.

-managed_system managedsystemname

(Optional) Specifies the managed system on which the logical partition resides for which you want to list information.

Note: Do not use with managed_systems option.

-partition_name partitionname

(Optional) Specifies the logical partition for which you want to list information.

Note: Do not use with managed_systems option.

-verbose add_commandinfo

Provides additional information about how to execute the command.

-sc URL

(Optional) Specifies the URL of the service controller.

-ws_remote_user username

(Optional) Specifies the CA Virtual Assurance remote user name.

-ws_remote_password password

(Optional) Specifies the CA Virtual Assurance remote password.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.

Example: Display the List of Managed Systems

This example displays the managed systems for the hardware management console "labhmc."

dpmlpar list -display managed_systems -hmc labhmc

Example: Display the SCSI Adapters

This example displays the SCSI adapters for the managed system "testMS."

dpmlpar list -display scsi_adapters -hmc labhmc 
-managed_system testMS

Example: Display Partition Details

This example displays the details for the logical partition "testlpar."

dpmlpar list -display partition_details -hmc uslihmc 
-managed_system testMS -partition_name testlpar