The monitor template definition parameters block in the configuration file provides the following parameters:
Specifies the monitor type of the parameters block.
Specifies the name of the monitor.
(Optional) Specifies the severity to use for the SystemEDGE object state model. The value none excludes this monitor entry from the object state model. Possible values are:
Default: none
Specifies the attribute that is monitored. Possible attributes are:
svcRspTableNumSamples—Shows the total number of samples taken since this row was initialized.
svcRspTableTotalLastSample—Shows the total response time (in milliseconds) of the last sample.
svcRspTableTotalMin—Shows The minimum total response time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTotalMax—Shows the maximum total response time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTotalMean—Shows the mean total response time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTotalVariance—Shows the variance of the total response time values over the statistics window * 1000. SRM returns a variance value of 1.337 as 1337. The variance is calculated based on seconds.
svcRspTableTotalAvailability—Indicates the availability of this service. This is calculated as the number of successful service queries divided by the number of service queries over the statistics window. A service query is successful if it succeeds within the timeout value specified for this entry.
svcRspTableNameLastSample—Shows the name lookup (DNS) time (in milliseconds) of the last sample.
svcRspTableNameMin—Shows the minimum name lookup time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableNameMax—Shows the maximum name lookup time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableNameMean—Shows the mean name lookup time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableNameVariance—Shows the variance of the name lookup time values over the statistics window.
svcRspTableConnLastSample—Shows the connection time (in milliseconds) of the last sample.
svcRspTableConnMin—Shows the minimum connection time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableConnMax—Shows the maximum connection time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableConnMean—Shows the mean connection time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableConnVariance—Shows the variance of the connection time values over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTranLastSample—Shows the transaction time (in milliseconds) of the last sample.
svcRspTableTranMin—Shows the minimum transaction time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTranMax—Shows the maximum transaction time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTranMean—Shows the mean transaction time sample value over the statistics window.
svcRspTableTranVariance—Shows the variance of the transaction time values over the statistics window.
svcRspTableBytesInLastSample—Shows the number of bytes received in the last sample.
svcRspTableBytesOutLastSample—Shows the number of bytes sent in the last sample.
svcRspTableTotalBytesIn—Shows the total number of bytes received since SRM was started. This counter eventually wraps.
svcRspTableTotalBytesOut—Shows the total number of bytes sent since SRM was started. This counter eventually wraps.
svcRspTableThroughput—Shows the throughput, calculated over the statistics window, in bytes/sec. The BytesInLastSample and BytesOutLastSample are added for each sample. This number for each sample is summed up, and divided by the number of seconds in the sample.
Specifies the threshold value against which SystemEDGE compares the current value of the monitored attribute.
Compares the current attribute value to the threshold value. The operator nop only tracks the current value and does not compare it to the threshold. Possible values are:
nop (no operation)
gt (greater than)
lt (less than)
ge (greater than or equal to)
le (less than or equal to)
eq (equal to)
ne (not equal to)
Default: no operation
This example specifies a warning and a critical threshold at 500 and 900 milliseconds for the mean total response time sample value over the statistics window.
{ type=monitor monName="TotalMeanCritical900" monSeverity=critical monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=900 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanWarning500" monSeverity=warning monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=500 monOperator=gt }
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