An example for a configuration file:
{ type=global # Log Level of the SRM/SA AIM and of any test without a specific log level (default is 2) # -1 - off, 0 - fatal, 1 - critical, 2 - warning, 3 - info, 4 - debug, ..., 7 - debug3 loglevel=2 # Log file name (default jcollector.log) logfile="jcollector.log" # Log file number (default 1 only one log file, a greater number will cycle through #<number> log files # the files will be named <name><id>, e.g. if default name is used: jcollector0.log, #jcollector1.log ..etc.) lognum=1 # Log file size limit in kilobytes (default 1024, 0 means no limit) logsize=10240 # Number of threads the jcollector should use to perform tests maxthreads=10 # Location of the Java executable #javabin=<Java executable file name incl. path, relative to the SystemEDGE inst. dir.> # Extra classes to load; overrides CLASSPATH in environment if defined #javaclasspath=<a non-standard classpath> # Uncomment in order to sysedge does not start jcollector #no_collector # Uncomment to allow execution of external scripts #allow_scripts # Uncomment to allow execution of fileIO tests. #allow_fileio # Uncomment if you want the test password to be provided as clear text to the SNMP Get # requests #allow_snmp_pwd # Uncomment to allow SSL tests to work with sites that do not have # trusted SSL certificates. #allow_untrusted_ssl_certificates # Uncomment to prevent JRE from caching DNS names forever #disable_dns_cache # Uncomment to prevent the svcRspSecurityFlags OID from revealing # security settings #hide_security_flags # For current HP/UX Java, socket.setTrafficClass() is not supported # when utilizing the IPV6 stack. As a default, the IPV4 stack will # be used to retain standard TOS functionality as in past SA # releases. To enable the IPV6 stack (and thereby disable TOS # functionality from all SA tests), please uncomment the following line. # (For all other platforms, this line should remain commented out.) # #preferIPV6_NoTOS # Shared memory access key, the default value is 3131 #shmkey=<an integer number> # Reserved range of test indexes, by default there is none reserved_range 20 2000 } { index=22 type=dns desc="Test DNS Lookup for http://ca.com_dns" dest="" encoded="yes" password="gJnvpNczJKjubcMzOJ/h+tvbBnX=" args="" interval=300 samples=1 timeout=10 window=86400 tos=0 limit=0 status=notInService name=" Dns" class="" context="context" loglevel=1 flags="0x100" monitor=TotalMeanCritical9,1011 monitor=TotalMeanWarning5,1010 } { index=25 type=http desc=" Http" dest="" encoded="yes" password="" args="max_depth=3&content_dl=yes&content_err=no" interval=30 samples=1 timeout=20 window=300 tos=0 limit=0 status=active name="" class="" context="" loglevel=1 flags="0x1" monitor=TotalMeanCritical9000,2511 monitor=TotalMeanWarning5000,2510 } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanCritical9000" monSeverity=critical monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=9000 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanWarning5000" monSeverity=warning monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=5000 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanCritical900" monSeverity=critical monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=900 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanWarning500" monSeverity=warning monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=500 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanFatal10" monSeverity=fatal monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=10 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanCritical9" monSeverity=critical monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=9 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanWarning5" monSeverity=warning monAttribute=(null) monThreshold=5 monOperator=gt }
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