The test definition parameters block in the configuration file provides the following parameters:
Specifies the test type. For example HTTP, FTP, LDAP, and so on. See the chapter Test Management in this guide for a complete list of test types.
Specifies a unique number to identify the test. This number is the index of the corresponding service response time table entry.
(Optional) Specifies a test instance name, used for state manager object information, resource instance information for performance data collection, and as an alternative to the random integer index as a primary key for tests (which can change depending upon the templates delivered). This value is only written during creation of the test.
(Optional) Specifies a class name, used for state manager object information, resource instance information for performance data collection, and as an alternative to the random integer index as a primary key for tests (which can change depending upon the templates delivered). This value is only written during creation of the test.
(Optional) Specifies a holder based on the configuration of the test. This holder is a location for a manager to store any information, such as UUIDs, flags, antecedents for the test object, and so on. SRM notifies the manager, but does not directly use this information for any functionality.
(Optional) Specifies a meaningful description of the test.
Limits: 4096 characters
Specifies the target of the test. For example, URL, server name, script, and so on.
Specifies the user name if the test requires a login to run the test.
Specifies the password if the test requires a login to run the test. The password is encrypted by default. In this case, bit 4 of svcRspSecurityFlags is set to 1. If the password is unencrypted, bit 4 of svcRspSecurityFlags is set to 0.
(Optional) Specifies service-specific arguments used for measuring purposes.
Limits: 256 characters
Example service arguments are:
dns: dns-server hostname
http: URL [proxy-server] [username:user password:pass]
https: URL [proxy-server] [username:user password:pass]
ftp: ftp-server username passwd
pop3: pop3-server username passwd
nntp: nntp-server
smtp: smtp-server
ping: system-name packetsize
tcpconnect: system-name port
custom: not used
Specifies password encryption. When set to no SRM encrypts the password and changes the value to yes.
(Optional) Specifies the time interval between queries to the service.
Default: 60
(Optional) Specifies the number of samples taken at each query interval. For example, if this value is set to three and interval=60, then SRM performs three sample transactions after every 60-second interval.
Default: 1
(Optional) Specifies the value (in seconds) after which service response time measurement timeout for this particular service measurement.
Default: 10
(Optional) Specifies the period (in seconds) over which response time statistics (mean, availability, and so on) for the particular service are calculated.
Default: 300
(Optional) Specifies an 8-bit TOS header in the IP header for each test (IP Type of Service or Differentiated Services Code). The parameter does not enforce any particular RFC standard for the value of this field. You decide an appropriate value.
Default: 0
(Optional) Specifies the response limit, used as a boundary for throwing exceptions.
Default: 0
(Optional) Specifies the associated monitoring template (threshold) for that test.
The monName variable is equal to the monName parameter value of the monitoring template. The monIndex variable is a unique value for the table entry and the index of the monitor in SystemEDGE’s monitor table.
(Optional) Specifies the status of this entry. This variable is equivalent in semantics to the SNMPv2 SMI RowStatus convention (see RFC 1443).
active(1): Available for usage.
notInService(2): Disables usage of the row.
Default: notInService
(Optional) Test configuration flags:
0x0001 [cube_collect]: Enables the collection of test metrics for this test.
0x0100 [run_once]: Specifies this test is only run on request, not through the poll interval scheduler.
Default: 0x0
(Optional) Specifies the log level for the SRM AIM. See also Global Parameters Block.
-1: Logs no messages
0: Logs fatal level messages
1: Logs also critical level messages
2: Logs also warning level messages
3: Logs also information level messages
4: Logs also debug level messages
5: Logs also debug1 level messages
6: Logs also debug2 level messages
7: Logs also debug3 level messages
Default: global log level
{ index=25 type=http desc=" Http" dest="" encoded="yes" password="" args="max_depth=3&content_dl=yes&content_err=no" interval=30 samples=1 timeout=20 window=300 tos=0 limit=0 status=active name="" class="" context="" loglevel=1 flags="1" monitor=TotalMeanCritical9000,2511 monitor=TotalMeanWarning5000,2510 } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanCritical9000" monSeverity=critical monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=9000 monOperator=gt } { type=monitor monName="TotalMeanWarning5000" monSeverity=warning monAttribute=svcRspTableTotalMean monThreshold=5000 monOperator=gt }
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