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Usage Notes for DB.1, DB.10, and DB.11

Many of the fields have predefined default values that are assigned when no value is entered. Once a job has been added, the LIST function returns this panel with all fields containing either the specified data or the defaults taken.

If you want different default values for a job, add a job with the wanted default values give it the name mentioned with the keywords that follow. All future adds, either online or batch, then use that job for default values. If you want some other job name for the defaults pattern job, set the initialization file DBASE statement with the parameter to the correct job name.

For all job types, you cannot set the UID value with a default job.

To control which jobs are eligible to be marked as LATE, use the LATEPROMPT keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the initialization file. If you specify LATEPROMPT=LATE, jobs that are defined with PROMPT: N never show a status of LATE on the LQ displays (including LREQ, LRDY, LACT, and so on). This setting lets your operations staff concentrate on important jobs when they show up as LATE.

The JOB and JOBL fields have different properties depending on which function has been specified: