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DB.1 - CPU Job Definition Panel

The DB.1 - CPU Job Definition panel lets you enter or review data that is related to CPU jobs.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------------- CA-7 CPU JOB DEFINITION -------------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (ADD,DELETE,DD,PURGE,DELPRRN,FORMAT,LIST,UPD) JOB: xxxxxxxx GENERAL: SYSTEM: xxxxxxxx JOBNET: xxxxxxxx OWNER: xxxxxxxx UID: nnn JOBL: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JCL: ID: nnn MEMBER: xxxxxxxx RELOAD: x EXEC: x RETAIN-JCL: x LIB: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REQUIREMENTS: HOLD: x JCL-OVRD: x USE-OVRD-LIB: x VERIFY: x MAINT: x SATISFACTION LEAD-TIME: JOB: nn DSN: nn ARFSET: xxxxxxxx EXECUTION: MAINID: xxxx INSERT-RMS: x COND-CODE: nnnn RO: xx DONT SCHEDULE -- BEFORE: yyddd hhmm AFTER: yyddd hhmm MESSAGES: LTERM: xxxxxxxx REQUIREMENT-LIST: x PROMPTS: x ERROR MSGS -- RQMTS NOT USED: x DSN NOT FOUND: x RESOURCES: REGION: nnnn CLOCK-TIME: hhmm CPU-TIME: mmmss CLASS: x PRTY: nnn MSGCLASS: x DRCLASS: xxxxxxxx TAPE DRIVES...TYPE1: nnn M nnn C TYPE2: nnn M nnn C PROGRAM: SM20 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.1 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION, TRANSFER OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to be performed. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Adds a job to the database.


Deletes a job and its associated data from the database (documentation, schedules, and so forth).


Same as DELETE, but deletes any data sets that this job references if the data sets have no users and no documentation, and do not cause job triggering. This includes all virtual resources connected to the job.


Same as DD, but also deletes job trigger definitions that trigger the job being deleted, job requirement definitions that require the job being deleted; and, if the CA WA Restart Option interface is active, deletes the CA WA Restart Option CMT member for the job being deleted.


Deletes the JCL saved in the trailer queue from the job's prior run.


Clears the panel of all input data.


Lists a job and job-related information. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed. Only a found or not found message is returned.


Updates database information about a job.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter

Note: A default interpretation can be set for the DELETE function in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file. For more information, see the OPTIONS statement in the chapter "Initialization FIle" of the Systems Programming Guide.

Also, when using the PURGE function, some residual elements may not be deleted if the user issuing the PURGE does not have update access to the other jobs affected. For information about bypassing these security checks, see the BYPSEC keyword in the chapter "Security Initialization Options" of the Security Reference Guide.


Defines the job name on which to perform the indicated function.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: Positional parameter

Note: Job name format of UCC7Rxxx (where xxx is any three characters) is reserved for use with Workload Balancing. This imposes a restriction that no other user-defined job can begin with UCC7R as the first five characters.

This job name always overlays the job name on the JOB statement in the execution JCL.


Indicates that this section of the panel contains general information about the job. No input is permitted for this field.


(Optional) Specifies the user-defined application system name of which this job is a part.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. This field cannot contain a comma.

Batch keyword: SYSTEM


(Optional) Specifies the name of a CPU job network of which this job is a part.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. This field cannot contain a comma.

Batch keyword: JOBNET


(Optional) Specifies the ID identifying ownership of this job. Depending on the CA WA CA 7 Edition startup options taken, the external security product being used and contents of the JCL, this value can be offered to the external security package by CA WA CA 7 Edition at job submission time as the authority for this job to be executed.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. Although this field supports up to 8 characters, some external security packages only accept up to 7 characters. This field must not exceed any such limit that exists.

Batch keyword: OWNER


(Optional) Specifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition user security identification.

Default: 0 (no internal security protection)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999

Batch keyword: USERID


(Optional) Defines the long job name on which to perform the indicated function.

Note: For more information, see Long Job Name Rules.

Limits: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters, case sensitive.

Batch keyword: JOBL


Indicates that this line of the panel contains JCL information about the job. No input is permitted for this field.


(Optional) Specifies a numeric index value that is associated with a JCL library. Two values have special significance: 254 is reserved to indicate the override library (see the USE-OVRD-LIB field for more information) and 255 is reserved for use with the HELP library. 255 is also assigned to libraries that are referenced using a symbolic index (see the LIB field for more information). LIB and ID are mutually exclusive.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters 0-253 and 256-999

Batch keyword: JCLID


(Optional) Specifies the JCL library member name and required when the member name and job name are different.

Default: Job name

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: JCLMBR


(Optional) Specifies whether to reload this job's JCL (Y, N, or X). When a job comes into the request queue, it is either flagged for load processing or it is not flagged. If RELOAD=X, the job is not flagged for load processing unless the LOAD command is used. If RELOAD=Y, the job is flagged for load processing. If RELOAD=N, the job is not flagged for load processing unless it is the first time it has run in CA WA CA 7 Edition. A RELOAD=Y is automatically reset to N once the load completes successfully. A RELOAD=X is never automatically changed even if the LOAD command is used.

Default: N

Batch keyword: RELOAD


(Optional) Indicates whether to execute this job.


Specifies to execute the job. Y is the default.


Specifies that the job does not run but shows a normal completion as if it did run. JCL is not required for nonexecutable jobs.

Note: Consider the following items:

Default: Y

Batch keyword: EXEC


(Optional) Specifies whether to retain the execution JCL in the trailer queue after a successful run (Y or N).

Default: N

Batch keyword: RETJCL


(Optional) Specifies a JCL library identification. Must be a symbolic INDEX assigned to a JCL statement. Symbolic value &HELP is reserved for the HELP library. LIB and ID are mutually exclusive.

Limits: 2 to 16 alphanumeric characters beginning with ampersand (&)

Batch keyword: JCLLIB

Note: The schedule scan uses the current specification for LIB when attempting to attach the JCL for a job in the request queue with RETRY status.


Specifies that this section of the panel contains requirements information about the job. No input is permitted for this field.


(Optional) Specifies whether to place this job in a hold status when it enters the request queue (Y or N).

Default: N

Batch keyword: HOLD


(Optional) Specifies whether this job needs manual JCL overrides before it can be submitted (Y or N). Similar to the JCLOVRD command.

Default: N

Batch keyword: JCLOVR


(Optional) Specifies whether to retrieve the JCL from the JCL Override library (JCLID=254) for the next run only (Y or N). This field is automatically set back to N the next time the job comes into the request queue.

Default: N

Batch keyword: JOVRDLIB


(Optional) Specifies whether this job requires any presubmission manual verification (Y or N). Similar to VERIFY command.

Default: N

Batch keyword: VERIFY


(Optional) Specifies whether this job is a maintenance job (for example, a system utility) with no production data set requirements (Y or N). If MAINT=Y, all input data set requirements are ignored. None of the output data sets created by this job is posted back to CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Marking a job as MAINT enables job triggering but not data set triggering.

Also, if the LOADDSNS keyword is used on the DBASE statement in the initialization file, the LOAD process does not build any DD or data set information for jobs that are marked MAINT=Y on the DB.1 (JOB) panel. This means that there are not any data set connections for these jobs unless added manually.

Default: N

Batch keyword: MAINT


Indicates that this area of the panel contains lead time information about the job requirements. No input is permitted for this field.


(Optional) Specifies the number of hours to be considered when satisfying job-dependent requirements.

The following values are possible:


Specifies no lead time is considered when satisfying this job's requirements.


Specifies the requirement is never considered as already satisfied when the job enters the queues. Each predecessor job must complete typically while this job is in the request queue.


Since the last run of this job, specifies that each predecessor job must have run within the last nn hours. Values for nn can be from 1 to 98.

Default: 0

Batch keyword: JOBLDTM

Note: JOB and DSN are on a global level for all job and data set requirements that have a LEADTM value of 0000 on the DB.3 panels. This applies to all SCHIDs that the job runs under.


(Optional) Specifies the number of hours to be considered when satisfying data set requirements. For a description of values, see preceding field name (JOB).

Default: 0 (specifies to ignore this field)

Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 0 to 99

Batch keyword: DSNLDTM


(Optional) Names the collection of ARF definitions that apply to this job. Remember that ARF recovery is not invoked for nonexecutable jobs.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: ARFSET

Note: The specified ARFSET must be defined in the ARF database.


Indicates that this panel section contains execution information about the job. No input is permitted for this field.


(Optional) Specifies on which CPU the job can or cannot be scheduled. If the job requirements impose CPU restrictions, specify SYn or /SYn where n is the system number and / indicates not this system. System numbers must be consistent with the initialization file CPU statement MAINIDS parameters.

Default: ALL (lets the job run on any CPU)

Limits: 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: MAINID

Note: If a triggered job does not specify a MAINID, the job runs with the MAINID specified by the triggering job.


(Optional) Specifies whether to insert the CA WA Restart Option RMS step automatically at execution time by CA WA CA 7 Edition. Y inserts the step with the CA WA Restart Option processing code of P. N does not insert the RMS step. Unless a different name is specified with the PROCRMS parameter on the RESTART statement of the initialization file, the default procedure name defined in the CA WA Restart Option Option Table is inserted.

Note: For more information, see the Interface Reference Guide.

Default: N

Batch keyword: INSRTRMS or RESTART


(Optional) Used with RO (relational operator) to define the job-level condition codes used to determine whether a job executes successfully.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 to 4095

Batch keyword: CONDCODE


(Optional) Specifies the relational operator of the condition code (COND-CODE) or if the step level #SCC statements are being used in the job's JCL.

The following are the possible values:


Specifies equal to.


Specifies less than.


Specifies greater than.


Specifies greater than or equal to.


Specifies less than or equal to.


Specifies not equal to.


Specifies to make step condition code tests based on #SCC statements in the JCL.


Specifies to do no evaluation of the job. CA WA CA 7 Edition always assumes the job completes successfully, regardless of condition codes, abend codes, or runtime JCL errors. When this is used, the INSERT-RMS fields should be N.


Specifies to make no condition test.

Default: 0

Batch keyword: RELOPR

If 0 is used, no test is made on the job's condition code.

The highest condition code that this job generates is tested by this pair of parameters. For example, if COND-CODE is set at 8 and RO is set at LT, the job is marked as completing abnormally if 8 is less than the job's highest condition code.

Note: This test is for internal use by CA WA CA 7 Edition only. It simply tells CA WA CA 7 Edition what action to take after the job completes. CA WA CA 7 Edition does not determine or control which steps are to be executed.


(Optional) Specifies not to schedule this job before this date and time. This field is especially helpful for timing the start of new jobs.

The following is a sample of panel input:

BEFORE: yyddd hhmm


Defines the Julian date.


Defines the time of day.

The following is a sample of batch input:


Default: All zeros

Limits: Julian date specified as yyddd and time specified as hhmm

Batch keyword: BDATE and BTIME


(Optional) Specifies not to schedule this job after this date and time. This field is especially helpful for timing the permanent discontinuation of a job.

The following is a sample of panel input:

AFTER: yyddd hhmm


Defines the Julian date.


Defines the time of day.

The following is a sample of batch input:


Default: 99999 0000

Limits: Julian date specified as yyddd and time specified as hhmm

Batch keyword: ADATE and ATIME

Note: If BDATE and BTIME values are equal to ADATE and ATIME, the job is not scheduled and does not appear on forecasts. If BDATE and BTIME values are greater than ADATE and ATIME, the job is not available for scheduling during the inclusive times only. Thus, if BDATE=09031 and BTIME=2359 and ADATE=09001 and ATIME=0000, the job does not schedule during the time from Jan. 1, 2009 through Jan. 31, 2009, but does schedule at all other times.

CA WA CA 7 Edition uses current date and time for comparisons.


Indicates that these lines of the panel contain information about messages that may occur for the job. No input is permitted for this field.


(Optional) Routes the messages about this job to this logical terminal name.

Note: If the logical terminal name is defined as a virtual terminal, a CAICCI terminal, or CONSOLE, the messages are dynamically rerouted to the MASTER terminal. Messages that are routed to the MASTER terminal are written to the BROWSE DD file.

Default: If not entered, the LTERM associated with the JCL library in the initialization file JCL statement is used. If LTERM is not specified on the JCL statement, the default is MASTER.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: LTERM


(Optional) Specifies whether to list preexecution requirements for this job when it enters the request queue (Y or N).

Default: Y

Batch keyword: RQLST


(Optional) Specifies whether to issue prompt messages when this job is late (Y or N).

Default: Y

Batch keyword: PROMPT

Note: If LATEPROMPT=LATE is specified on the OPTIONS statement of the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file, setting this value to no (N) prevents the job from ever having a status of LATE on an LQ or LRLOG display. The jobs defined with a value of yes (Y) are processed the same regardless of the LATEPROMPT setting.


(Optional) Specifies whether to issue error messages for job requirements not used (Y or N).

Default: Y

Batch keyword: RQMSG


(Optional) Specifies whether to list error messages for data sets used at execution time but not found in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database (Y or N).

Default: Y (The messages are not issued if PERFORM=1 is specified on the INIT statement in the initialization file.)

Batch keyword: DSNMSG


Indicates the resource information about the job. No input is permitted in this field.


(Optional) Specifies the region size that is required by this job (information only).

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters

Batch keyword: REGION


(Optional) CA WA CA 7 Edition maintains certain SMF feedback data in its database, including a weighted average elapsed runtime. If the database is updated with a time of 0000, the counters for number of runs, number of times late, and number of restarts are also reset to 0000. One use of this value is deadline prompting. If 2359 is specified, deadline prompt time is not adjusted. It remains due-out time minus lead time.

Note: Clock time and CPU time averages are not updated if the job either fails (abend, JCL error, and so on) or is restarted. The weighted average is the value in the database times 5, plus the value from the current run, divided by 6. This tends to keep the current run from possibly skewing the value.



Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 23 and mm can be from 00 to 59

Batch keyword: ELAPTM


(Optional) CA WA CA 7 Edition maintains weighted average CPU time usage values for each job in its database. (See the preceding note under CLOCK-TIME.)

Limits: 5 numeric characters specified as mmmss, where mmm is minutes and ss is seconds

Batch keyword: CPUTM


(Optional) Specifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition WLB job class. If CLASS is not specified, a WLB class of A is automatically assigned. This value does not have to match the JOB statement CLASS value.

The CLASS specified here does not apply when the job enters the queue as a result of a RUN(H) command. Class 9 is assigned by default. To override class 9, use the RUNCLASS keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the initialization file.

The CLASS specified here does not apply when the job enters the queue as a result of a LOAD(H) command. Class 8 is assigned by default. To override class 8, use the LOADCLASS keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the initialization file.

Default: A space

Limits: 1 alphanumeric character

Batch keyword: CLASS


(Optional) Specifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition WLB job priority. A value of 255 indicates an express priority used to bypass WLB priority scheduling criteria. If using WLB, any job without a specified priority is automatically assigned a priority of 100 unless the default is changed.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 to 255

Batch keyword: PRTY


(Optional) Specifies the job's message class. This field is informational only. Even though this field can be changed, it does not cause the JCL to be changed. Also, no validity checking is done on this field.

Default: A space

Limits: 1 alphanumeric character

Batch keyword: MSGCLASS


(Optional) Specifies the job's disaster recovery class. This field has no impact on processing during normal execution. When running in disaster recovery mode, the disaster recovery class is used to determine whether the job should execute.

Note: For more information, see disaster recovery mode in the Systems Programming Guide.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. Disaster recovery class values must start with a letter, #, or $ (not @) and can include letters, #, $, @, and numbers. Disaster recovery classes cannot contain embedded blanks.

Batch Keyword: DRCLASS


Indicates that this line of the panel contains information about tape drives needed for the job. (If not using Workload Balancing, these fields are informational only.) No input is permitted for this field.


Indicates that the two following fields (M and C) contain information about TYPE1 tape drives need for the job. No input is allowed for this field.


(Optional) Specifies a manual override value for the number of TYPE1 tape drives needed for the job. Normally this field is only used to update a job where tape drive requirements have been changed, higher or lower, and the job has not been reloaded after the change. A value of 255 can be used to specify that the job uses 0 TYPE1 tape drives.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 to 255

Batch keyword: TP1M


Indicates the calculated value for the number of TYPE1 tape drives needed for the job. Value is automatically calculated when the job is loaded (or reloaded) or the RESANL command is performed on the job. Calculation is based on DD references whose unit values are defined as TYPE1 tape drives in the SASSUTBL module. This field is display only, and no input is permitted.


Indicates that the following two fields (M and C) contain information about TYPE2 tape drives need for the job. No input is allowed for this field.


(Optional) Specifies a manual override value for the number of TYPE2 tape drives needed for the job. Normally this field is only used to update a job where tape drive requirements have been changed, higher or lower, and the job has not been reloaded after the change. A value of 255 can be used to specify that the job uses 0 TYPE2 tape drives.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 to 255

Batch keyword: TP2M


Indicates the calculated value for the number of TYPE2 tape drives needed for the job. The value is automatically calculated when the job is loaded (or reloaded) or the RESANL command is performed on the job. Calculation is done as described in TYPE1. This field is display only, and no input is permitted.

More information:

#SCC Statement

DB.3 - Job Predecessor/Successor Menu Panel

Usage Notes for DB.1, DB.10, and DB.11