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Job Predecessors

The alternate panel, DB.3.2L, is available for job predecessors that are based on long job names. While similar to the DB.3.2 panel, this new panel has a different field layout to provide space for the full long job name length. The new panel has a short name of JOBCONN,JOBL. The security rules for this panel match the rules for DB.3.2.

JOB/L indicates that you can enter a long or short job name. You can also enter the long or short name in the PRED-JOBL field. The S field is the new LIST-SCHID field. The slash before LEADTM indicates that it is the start of the second line of input. The LEADTM and NEXT-RUN fields are on the second line of each entry.

Listing predecessors displays the long job name, when possible, no matter which name was used to define the requirement.

Note: You cannot define generic dependencies like LongJob* using this panel. Define all generic dependencies using the DB.3.2 screen.