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DB.3.6L - User Memo-Form Predecessors Panel (Long Job Names)

The DB.3.6L - User Memo-Form Predecessors panel lets you enter a user requirement, free-form text, that can be displayed on a CA WA CA 7 Edition terminal and that requires an operator response before the connected job can execute. This panel accommodates long job names. The text should direct someone to perform some manual task. Multiple lines may be required to completely describe the action needed. The POST command, QM.2, or QM.1 panels can be used to indicate that the task has been completed (the requirement has been satisfied).

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

Use the JOB/L field to define the triggering job. Use the S field to define the SCHID to list by.

The batch positional parameter indicating the predecessor type should have a value of USRL.

Other keyword descriptions are the same as the DB.3.6 - User Memo-Form Predecessors panel.

--------------------- CA-7 USER MEMO-FORM PREDECESSORS --------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (FORMAT,LIST,UPD) PAGE nnnn JOB/L: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S: nnn OPT SCHID *--- MEMO-FORM USER PREDECESSOR ---* NEXT-RUN x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx OPTIONS: A=ADD,D=DELETE,U=UPDATE,*=PROCESSED,?=ERROR PROGRAM: SM61 MSG-INDX: 00 -- DB.3.6L -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION, TRANSFER OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE

More information:

DB.3.6 - User Memo-Form Predecessors Panel