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DB.3.6 - User Memo-Form Predecessors Panel

The DB.3.6 - User Memo-Form Predecessors panel lets you enter a user requirement, free-form text. The text can be displayed on a CA WA CA 7 Edition terminal and that requires an operator response before the connected job can execute. The text usually directs someone to perform some manual task. Multiple lines are sometimes required to describe completely the necessary actions. The POST command, QM.2, or QM.1 panels can be used to indicate that the task has been completed (the requirement has been satisfied).

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

--------------------- CA-7 USER MEMO-FORM PREDECESSORS --------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (FORMAT,LIST,UPD) PAGE nnnn PRED FOR JOB: xxxxxxxx LIST-SCHID: nnn OPT SCHID *--- MEMO-FORM USER PREDECESSOR ---* NEXT-RUN x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x nnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx OPTIONS: A=ADD,D=DELETE,U=UPDATE,*=PROCESSED,?=ERROR PROGRAM: SM61 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.3.6 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Clears the panel of user input data.


Lists data from the database. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed; only a found or not found message is returned.


Updates a user requirement according to OPT field values.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Predecessor type. Contains a constant value of USR for user text.

Limits: Required for batch only.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Specifies the job name for which user requirements are being defined.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


(Optional) Applies only to the LIST function. A SCHID value of 0 applies to connections for all schedules and therefore is listed with connections for any schedule ID requested. Schedule IDs on each detail line apply to that line only.

Default: Null (causes connections for all schedule IDs to appear)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999

Batch keyword: Not applicable


(Optional) Used with the UPD function, denotes the type of connection operation. The operation codes are A (add), D (delete), and U (update).

Note: The U option applies only to the NEXT-RUN field. To change the memo text, a delete (D) must be performed followed by an add (A).

Batch keyword: OPT


(Optional) Specifies the schedule ID (of this job) for which a user requirement is applied. A zero default cannot be specified for one connection and a nonzero schedule ID used for a subsequent connection to the same job with the same user requirement description. An attempt to make such a connection results in a CA WA CA 7 Edition error message.

Default: 0 (specifies that the requirement holds for all schedule IDs)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999

Batch keyword: SCHID


Specifies a free-form description of the user requirement. Not valid with OPT=U. Any text can be entered here that communicates the appropriate requirement. This field can define requirements that cannot be controlled automatically. Ensuring that the transmission line is up or calling the payroll department to verify that the edit is OK are examples. You can express the requirements as a simple phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph. We recommend that you use as many words as necessary to clarify exactly what to do. For example, "Make sure the online system is down" is not as clear as "Make sure the online system is down for the day" because online systems can come up and down during the day. If the instructions do not fit in the 36 spaces on one line, you can use as many lines as necessary to explain them completely. Each line then becomes a separate requirement that must be satisfied before the job can run.

We also recommend that you use this type of requirement only when necessary because a manual intervention is required to satisfy it.

Note: If the text contains an apostrophe, parenthesis, or comma, the requirement cannot be added through BTI nor can it be posted through an external communicator.

Limits: 1 to 36 alphanumeric characters, case sensitive

Batch keyword: USR


(Optional) Specifies status of this predecessor for the next run of this job. The next time that the job is scheduled into the queues, the following values determine the predecessors for that execution:


Specifies normal, recurring predecessor.


Specifies one-time predecessor for only the next run of this job. Automatically discarded by CA WA CA 7 Edition when next successful job completion is done. (See note.) Only valid when OPT=A. Noted on QM.2 display as O and on various general inquiry displays as ONLY.


Specifies normal, recurring predecessor that is skipped (ignored) when the next run is scheduled into the queues. Only valid when OPT=U and previous value was YES. Automatically reinstated to YES when next successful job completion is done. (See note.) Noted on certain displays as SKIP but does not appear on QM.2 displays because it is skipped when the job enters the queues.

Default: Yes (for OPT value of A)

Batch keyword: NEXTRUN

Note: The next successful job completion only applies to jobs that are not already in the queue when the NEXT-RUN is set. However, if the job is already in the queue and entered the queue when the NEXT-RUN was SKIP or ONLY, then it is reset as indicated.